Sinclair Twins Oneshot

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"Fine, go fuck yourself!" you yelled slamming the car door. You boyfriend sped off, leaving you in a cloud of dust in the middle of nowhere. You watched as his car disappeared through the windy road and you felt tears brim your eyes. You were lost with no car and a phone that was close to dead.

You hand found your forehead as you felt your pulse beat through racing thoughts. The sound of a bell brought you out of your thoughts as your eyes darted over to the gas station. A man was slowly walking out the doors, eyes on you. 

You waved a tired hand. "Sorry, my asshole of an ex dumped me and left me here. I didn't mean to cause a scene or anything." you said as you wiped a tear out of your eye. "Oh it's no problem, why don't you come inside?" he said offering the door of the gas station open. 

You nodded and followed the man, slinking inside the station door and climbing on one of the stools next to the counter. "Anyone you want me to call?" the man asked. "Nope, I don't have anybody to call." you said tilting your head into one of your hands. 

The man nodded and removed his baseball hat. "Forgive my rudeness, my name's Bo." he said with a wicked grin, outstretching his hand. "Hi Bo, I'm y/n." you smiled feeling a ping of emotion in your chest. You weren't sure what it was, but you liked it. 

"It's getting late and there's not much traffic after it gets dark. I can take you up to the house so you can relax till tomorrow if you want." Bo offered. You knew you shouldn't, he was a strange man in a strange town and you knew you probably shouldn't trust him. 

"Yeah," you said with a smile following Bo outside and to the side of a pick up. He started the truck and old rock music blarred from the radio. "Sorry." he muttered turning it down but you gave him a wild look. "Are you crazy, that's my favorite song." you said turning it back up with a smile. 

He gave you a look of approval and road quietly as you sang words to the song on the way back to the house. When you got there you marvelled at it. The house was huge and older. You climbed out of the car and Bo led you inside. 

"I'll go get you some clothes, make yourself at home." Bo said gesturing to the couch. You sat down and waited patiently as Bo disappeared into the shadows of the hallway. Your eyes scanned the room to see oil paintings and small figurines. Really detailed art, it was beautiful. You heard footsteps and looked to the kitchen, pulling yourself from your thoughts. 

Another man was standing there looking at you, as if you caught him doing something he shouldn't. He was wearing a mask anf has long black hair. "Hi." you said as your words cut through the silence. "I'm y/n. Bo brought me here." you said with a smile. He nodded but didn't say anything. 

"What's your name?" you asked, probbing him further. "Vincent." the man said taking a small step into the living room. "Oh you're the artist! Your work is amazing, you're really talented." you said gushing over him. He seemed to relax a bit as he sunk into the living room, taking a seat on the arm of the couch, furthest from you. 

"Did you learn on your own?" you asked. He shook his head, "My mom taught me." You smiled as you felt your interest grow. "She must have really been amazing then, and lucky too to have a son so talented." The man began to say something else but was interrupted by steps walking into the room. 

You looked up to see Bo standing there wide eyed at Vincent. Before you could say anything else Vincent was gone, leaving to the basement. Bo handed you an oversized tshirt and shorts. You smiled and thanked him. "I'm gonna go shower." you said with a smile slipping past him. he nodded nad watched you leave, knowing you weren't leaving any time soon. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now