Michael Myers Oneshot

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"You never listen to me." you yelled throwing things into a suitcase. He was standing in the doorway staring at you. "You always do this. You disappear for days and don't come back until you're ready and then you won't talk to me." you said. 

You were heated. He left a lot and you were alone until he decided it was time for him to come home, there was no telling where he was going or what he was doing. 

You slammed your suitcase closed and turned around. You were leaving, at least for a little bit. If he could do it so could you. You tried to budge past him but he blocked your way. 

"Michael move." you said shoving his chest. He grabbed the suitcase from you and threw it to your bed. You rolled you eyes and budged past him, fine you would leave without your suitcase. 

You were halfway down the hallway when he stopped you. He turned you around and grabbed your shoudlers, shoving you against the wall. His eyes were burning into yours and you couldn't avoid his intense stare. 

"Let me go." you said through gritted teeth. He shook his head. You saw the corners of his mask twitch and you knew he was smiling. This set more rage into you. 

"Don't you dare think this is funny." you said angrily, thrashing at him. "I am done with you. You leave when you want and never take me seriously." you yelled. He let you go and you stomped to the back door. 

You put your hand on the doorknob and he was right behind you. His chest against your arm. You closed your eyes and tried to steady your breathing. "Don't." you said again through gritted teeth. 

You had your eyes closed but you heard him reach up and pull his mask off and discard it somewhere on the floor. You opened your eyes and met his. He wasn't smiling this time but still staring at you. 

He was much taller than you and looked down at you, craning his neck. You gulped a little bit, knowing what he was trying to do. You felt his chest rising and falling quickly. A smirk grew on your lips and you met his eyes. 

"Why do you insist on teasing me?" you asked shoving him. "Leaving me to tend to myself." you said stalking towards him. "You were gone for days." you whined out, dragging out the last word. 

He stared at you intensely. "Michael." you said with a smile. He nodded. "Come get me." you said bolting somewhere into the house. This was a game you played and you knew exactly how it would end. He loved a good chase. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now