Brahms Heelshire Oneshot

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You walked through the mansion with your shoes clicking the hardwood floor. It had been a year and a half since you discovered the real Brahms. The man, Brahms. He was more predictable now and you knew how to read him, however he still was cold and never talked to you. But the rules had changed, there were five rules you had to obey at all times. 

#1: You were to wear heels. Always. 
#2: You were to make and serve him tea. Once in the morning and once at night. He would make his own food and you would make yours, but you had to serve him tea. 
#3: You were never to touch his mask. Ever. 
#4: You were not allowed to enter his room unless asked to or if he brought you there. 

#5: If he wanted a kiss from you, you kissed him. No exceptions or excuses. 

These five rules were the only ones he requested that you live by to survive with him, though you doubted he would ever hurt you. You wanted him to be happy, you knew his past and knew how upset he was, you really didn't mind the rules. 

You knocked on his door as the morning light shined down the hallway. The steaming cup of tea sat perfectly on a china saucer. You raised your hand to knock on the door again but the wood began to move back. 

A messy haired Brahms answered the door and stared at you through the holes of his mask. It was cracked and chips of the porcelein was peeling but he wore it anyway. You smiled up at him and pushed the tea forward a bit, "Merry Christmas Brahms." you said happily. 

He took it from your hands and shut the door back without a word. You turned on your heel and walked back to the kitchen. You grabbed a piece of toast from your plate, eating as you starred out the window. It was snowing for the first time in forever. 

You heard Brahms come in behind you and stop at the door. "Would you like some toast?" you asked without looking, hoping he would respond. He didn't say anything but he did walk over and take a piece of toast from your plate. 

He looked out the window with you, leaning on the sink. You frowned and turned to leave the kitchen, it was Christmas and the house was cold and quiet. He stayed in his room and ignored you most the time, you really didn't expect today to be any different but hoped maybe he had gotten use to you in the last year and a half. 

You sat in the living room and started the fireplace. As heat began to spread you looked over to the plain, dark chirstmas tree in the corner. A box of decorations was sitting in front of it. You turned back and looked at the fire's glow. It was one of the few companions you liked to think you had here. 

You heard the rustle of the box behind you. "I'll put it back in the attic later Brahms." you said sadly. When you looked over your shoulder you saw he didn't have a mask on and you began taking in his facial features. His high cheekbones and pink lips fit his face perfectly as the light made his jawling stand out. 

He picked up some light strings and began putting them on the tree. You walked over beside him. He handed you ornaments and you put them on the tree. Finally as the box became empty, he went behind the tree and plugged the cord in. The tree lit up with white lights and the red ornaments sparkled around them. 

He stood beside you and wrapped an arm around you. You leaned into him slowly. "Thank you Brahms." you said looking at him slightly. He looked down at you. "Merry Christmas y/n." he said leaning down and kissing you gently. You smiled and looked back at the tree happily. "Merry Christmas Brahms." 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now