Jason Voorhees Oneshot

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This was a request that I saw from like October so in the spirit of Friday the 13th tomorrow, happy holidays y'all. 

You walked down the path Jason had made for you. He always wanted to keep you safe and knowing that you liked to take walks through the woods he made you a path. 

You smiled and walked along as the sun hit your face. You heard someone behind you and giggled, turning to face who you thought was your loving boyfriend. 

It was not your boyfriend. In fact, you didn't recognize the man that stood before you. He was tall but not as tall as Jason and he was a slimmer build. 

You began taking small steps back before turning and running in a full sprint. You could hear the man behind you, running close on your heels, the sound only pushed you to go faster. 

"Jason!!" you cried out, pleading for him to come to your rescue. He couldn't be too far away he must still be on morning patrols. 

You made a sharp turn that you knew was ultimatley going to lead you back to the cabin. "Jason!" you wailed again. The man was still very close behind you. You ran into the opening from the woods and saw Jason by the cabin. 

He immediately grabbed his machete and started towards you but the man had caught up and tackled you to the ground. He hadn't seen Jason though, as he was fixed on you. 

"Why are you running dollface, I wasn't going to hurt you." he said, pinning you to the ground as you thrashed. "But now I've changed my mind." he said raising a fist to hit you but stopped mid swing. 

You saw it in the man's eyes that he was experiencing something outside of your interaction. He fell to the side and Jason stood above you, holding the bloody machete. 

He was starring down at you, shaking enough to make you worry had there not been the incident. He helped you up and hugged you immediately. You were shaking too and he dropped the machete examining you. 

You had small cuts and bruises on your arms and face but they would be fine. He patted your hair and calmed you down as he led you back to the cabin, leaving the men bleeding in the ground. 

He ran you a bath and comforted you as both of you calmed down. There would be no more walks alone in the woods for a long time. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now