Jason Voorhees Oneshot

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You were from the south. It didn't snow where you lived so your whole life you had only ever seen snow in movies and on the front of christmas cards. 

You had made the decision to move though, and where did you move to? Ohio. You thought bringing a jacket would be good enough but you didn't know much about actual winter weather. 

Shivering along the trail, you clutched your jacket tighter to you as the stiff ground crackled beneath your feet. There was little seperating your skin from the frigid air. 

Puffs of white air came from your mouth as you breathed out in an attempt to get warm. You saw a cabin and while it looked rough and abandoned it had to be warm. 

You trudged inside and shut the door behind you. It didn't look very lived in but there was furniture scattered in the living room. 

You laid on a couch and pulled your jacket around you, slowly getting somewhat warm. You drifted to sleep and thought of warmer days. 

You heard heavy footsteps and opened your eyes to the front door opening. A massive man who wore a hockey mask and weilded a machete stepped through the door. 

His eyes immediately fell on you but you both seemed to freeze. You sat up and held up your hands. "I'm sorry. I was freezing. I will leave." you said stuttering nervously. 

He shifted on one foot and you yelped and scrunched yourself into a tighter ball on the couch. "Please don't hurt me!" you yelled, sheilding your eyes from the man. 

You heard the clang of metal and looked as he dropped his machete and took a few steps towards you. You stayed very still until he reached behind you and got a blanket. He wrapped it around you and stepped back. 

He then went to the fireplace in the corner and lit it, spreading a warm glow around the room. He settled on the couch next to you. "Thank you," you smiled, he nodded. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now