Poly!Ghostface Oneshot

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You sat at the kitchen table waiting on the boys to get back. They had a plan, as always and were going to execute it. That was until one storming Billy came through the backdoor, slamming the door behind him. 

"Where's Stu?" you asked immediately worried. "He's outside cooling off." he said without even looking at you and heading to the bedroom. You stood and walked outside to check on one of your boyfriends. 

"Stu, what happened?" you asked, approaching Stu as he leaned on the porch railing, facing away from you. He turned and looked at you, shades of purple and blue already surrounding his eye. 

A gasp left your mouth as you reached out for him. He let you hold his face, examining his eye. "Did Billy do this?" you asked quietly. He nodded and fury raced through you. You went inside to get Stu an icepack and walked it back out to him. 

"We were done and coming home and I guess I said something that pissed him off." Stu said, sadness running through his voice. "No, Stu you did nothing to deserve this. He isn't allowed to take anger out on you like this, on either of us." you said helping him adjust the icepack to his eye. 

Billy walked outside and you looked over your shoulder, a cold and bitter glance faced in his direction. "What Billy?" you snapped. He walked over and sat beside the two of you. "Stu, I am so sorry. I shouldn't let anger control me like that." Billy said apologetically. 

"Fuck you." Stu said looking away from him. He had hurt Stu one time too many. "I want you to leave me alone." he said to Billy, without looking at him. You knew it was hurting him to say that but maybe it was something Billy needed to hear. 

"Babes, we're a family.." Billy said sadness immediately entering his voice. "Family don't hurt family." Stu said raising his voice. Without another word Billy nodded and retreated back inside. The coldness of the outside held tightly to us. 

The next day you and Stu drove to school together and Billy drove himself. This was strange for all involved considering you always rode together. People already began to murmur as you arrived in different cars. 

"Did you and Billy get in a fight?" Randy asked annoyingly. Stu nodded but didn't say anything else. You knew he didn't want to talk about it and budged the two of you to your classroom without interference from anyone else. 

The school day was long and difficult considering Billy's puppy dog eyes were on you and Stu everywhere you went. Stu went to the bathroom at lunch and as soon as he was gone Billy approached you. 

"Billy, I don't want to talk. You hurt Stu. That's not okay." you said seriously. Billy locked eyes with you and for the first time in a long time you saw genuine pain. "I'm leaving school early today and I'm going to make it up to both of you, I promise." he said leaving as Stu entered the room again. 

"What did he say?" Stu asked. You knew it was killing him not talking to Billy. They were boyfriends sure but also best friends. "He's going to make it up to us." you said simply. Stu rolled his eyes and huffed, biting into his apple. 

Stu drove the two of you home and stepped inside the door to see all the lights out but one from the bathroom. You and Stu walked to the door to see your bath full of steaming water and a note on the sink. 

The two of you relax and meet me in the bedroom in a little bit. You tossed the note aside and Stu and yourself enjoyed a relaxing bath. When the two of you were done you wrapped yourself in towels and walked to the bedroom. 

Billy sat on the bed with his legs crossed and smiled as he saw his other halves. "Guys.." he said standnig. He walked over and wrapped his arms around the two of you. "I love you so much. I am so sorry I have all this anger but I am going to work on it." Billy said, receiving an eye roll. 

He flicked out a business card and you took it and read it. Arnold Springer, Anger Management. You showed Stu and he smiled, "At least you're getting help." he said, clearly not all the way forgiving. 

Billy reached up and grabbed Stu's neck, pulling him down a little bit and kissing him. "I will never do that again." Billy said pressing his forehead to Stu's. "Promise?" Stu asked. Billy nodded rapidly, "I promise on my life." he said hugging the two of you again. "Now lets get you out of those towels." Billy said with a smirk. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt