Brahms Heelshire Oneshot

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You did what he said. You followed all the rules. You obeyed him. Brahms never had to ask you something twice and you did your best to please him. 

However, he acted like a child. He threw tantrums and whined and demanded the most of you. You'd be lying if you said it didn't get on your nerves. 

Today was not your day. You were in a bad mood and had been for the last several days. Brahms could not stand that you didn't want physical attention and had been grabbing on you and following you around all day. 

Despite your warnings he continued to be childish and beg for your undivided attention. Even now as you folded his laundry. 

"Brahms, stop it. You're not a child." you snapped as he tried to stop your work for the hundreth time. He knocked the pile of folded laundry you had to the floor and you starred at it. 

He stood before you, breathing heavily, clearly irritated. "Pick it up." you said through gritted teeth. He folded his arms defying you. 

"Fine you want to act like a child, you'll be punished like a child." you said angrily, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the corner. 

You pushed him into the corner of the wall. "Stay here and God so help you if you move from his spot or turn around." you threatened. 

He huffed but stood in the corner. You picked up the semi-folded laundry and threw it in a basket walking it to his bedroom. 

You muttered something under your breath about not being able to take much more. When you came back into the room he was gone. No where in sight. 

You felt a twitching coming from your lower eyelid and you snapped. Without another word you marched to the crawlspace, walking into his hiding space. 

Navigating the inside of the walls almost perfectly you followed the path you knew he had taken. You had only been back here a handful of times and it had always been invited. 

He darted out from the space he was standing and stood in front of you. "You can't be back here." he growled. Before you could stop your actions your hand darted up and made contact with his cheek. 

He stood there paralyzed, his head snapped to the side and he stiffened. Turning to face you he was met with your boldly still stern face. You just slapped him. 

He didn't say anything. "Out. Now." you demanded. He squeezed past you with a huff and left the walls. Once outside you faced him. 

"I cannot take you sometimes. You are a grown man and I need you to act like it." you demanded. He nodded slowyly. You were surprised when his arms wrapped around you. 

"I'm sorry." he mumbled into your hair. A ping of guilt hit you and your hand rubbed the spot on his face where you slapped him. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now