Michael Myers Oneshot

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You knew by the way Michael slumped on his bed it was going to be a long day. You were his nurse. His caregiver. You knew what he acted like on good and bad days. 

He peeked up at you through the holes in his mask and put his head back down. You don't know why he tolerated you, maybe it was the way you talked to him or the fact you didn't act scared. Either way he dealt with your existance rather peacefully. 

"Michael, I have to get your labs." you said walking over with a tray of needles and tubes. Every other nurse tied him down for this in fear he would attack them but you put a stop to that very quickly. 

He rolled up his sleeve and made room for you to sit on the edge of the bed with him. As you found his vein and slid the needle in he jumped a little bit as if it hurt him which made you jump. 

A deep chuckle came from behind the mask and you clutched your chest. "Don't do that! You scared me, I thought I hurt you." you laughed. The thought of you hurting him made you laugh a little extra knowing who he was and what he did. 

You finished labs and pulled a bandaid from the pocket of your dark grey scrubs. It had hello kitty on it. He gave you a look, daring you to stick that pink bandaid on his skin. You smiled and laid it over the small pinpoint in his skin. 

"Can't let you bleed out now." you said with a smile. He was not as amused at that as his joke he pulled on you. He shook his head a little bit as you rose from the bed to leave. He grabbed your hand softly and you turned to look at him. 

While the guards didn't care for you being kind to him, the doctors urged physical contact as long as you felt safe. It was suppose to help with rehabilitation of sorts but you didn't care about that. You just didn't want him to feel alone. 

He pulled you over to him and wrapped his arms around you. In the windowless cell, you knew no one was going to see but still a blush krept onto your face. You rested a hand on his back and he laid his head on your chest. 

You stepped back and he stood up. His hand came up to touch your cheek and when he made contact you jumped, "Ouch!" you said just loud enough to startle him. He jumped, whipping his hand away from your skin. 

"Gotcha." you said with a smile, chuckling a little bit at the payback you had delivered. He just starred at you with gleaming eyes, he really and truly cared for you. "Just kidding, I know you wouldn't hurt me." you said with a smile as you left the cell. He sat back down on the end of his bed, waiting for you to come back. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora