Leatherface Oneshot

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You were a tomboy to say the absolute least. There was something about living in rural Texas that had shaped you into a mud-loving tomboy. However, it was an almost daily occurance that someone would mistake you for a damsal in distress. 

You were pretty and well shaped with curves and therefore, you were a target for flirting. This didn't stop your boyish ways though. After driving through town, receiving cat calls all day you decided to go for a drive. 

You always drove around aimlessly, until you passed an old worn out sign. Kingsland, Texas. You slowed down at the entrace of the town, overgrown weeds on the side of the road sloped over from lack of attention and rain. 

You had never been out this far but figured it was more of a pass through town and you would be looping back around shortly. You began driving again, making your goal a gas station since you were running low and didn't want to be stranded. 

You passed by old buildings that seemed to tower in the shadows of overgrown bushes and bare trees. This was an eerie place to be with no gas, the fear of running out was getting to you. That's when you saw the two shiny pumps and a loitering group of bikers. 

You pulled your truck up to the pump and walked inside, through the small mass of bikers and to the front door. "Hey there babydoll." one of the men yelled. You rolled your eyes and reached under your shirt, in your waistband, and pulled out a revolver. 

The group suddenly went from loudly laughing and having a good time to grave silence. You clicked the gun, loading it and the man swallowed whatever words he was going to say, stumbling on his I's. 

"I, i, umm, I." he said with wide eyes. You smiled kindly behind the cocked barrel of your gun. "I think you meant to say you needed to get going, right?" you said softly. You voice tinted in evil but melting into the air like honey. 

He nodded rapidly and motioned for his friends to return to their bikes. As you reholstered your gun, the low hum of motorcycles made the ground shake slightly as you walked through the door to the gas station. 

The woman behind the counter was leaned back in a chair and had a smile painted on her lips. "You sure did know how to put him in his place didn't you?" she laughed a little bit. You nodded and slid a bill across the counter, "Can I get 20 on pump 5?" you asked. 

She nodded and you walked back out to your truck. As you pumped the gas you heard footsteps on the other side of the truck. Assuming it was the man from the gang you reached for your waistband but before you could even reach your gun you were knocked out by something hitting your head. 

You woke up in darkness. You smelled wood and hay and figured you were in a barn or shed of some sort. You heard something moving outside and tried to move but your hands were tied above your head. 

The barn door opened and a giant man walked inside. He was easily seven feet tall and was bulky. He had a wrap covering his mouth and had shaggy dark hair. You held still, hoping he wasn't here to hurt you. 

He crouched by the wall and you heard a match strike, then the fire sparked in the small pit and light spread through the barn. The fire began to warm the small area you were in and you were better able to see the man. 

He approached you and you stayed still looking him in the eyes. "Who are you?" you asked. He didn't answer. He just stood in front of you. "Are you going to hurt me?" you asked. Still no answer. "Well if you are going to hurt me, do it quick. I don't really get a choice either way." you said blankly. 

He just starred at you. As if he expected you to shiver or cry. You weren't that type of person, not even in this situation. He cut the rope holding your hands and you just stood there, staring at him. "I don't know what you want me to do but I'm not running. I know better than that." you said putting your hands on your hips. 

He began walking to the house and you followed him. If you ran you were surely going to die, but you weren't clear on any other options. You walked behind him into the house. "Thomas you have a shadow." the woman from the gas station said. 

The man, Thomas sat at the table and you stood awkwardly beside him. He pulled out a chair beside him and you sat as he passed you a plate of food. Maybe it was better to be a shadow than to be dead. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now