They find out you're trans

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Writing this chapter I tried to be sensitive and I am a cis woman and don't want anything I ever write to come off as offensive or misunderstanding so if I make a mistake please DM me so I can learn more as I continue to write for you guys. (d/n = dead name) My goal is to be as inclusive as possible and make you all as happy as possible, that being said, enjoy the perference :)

Jason: You smiled as you walked beside your loving boyfriend. He had always been so supportive of you but he didn't know you were trans. "Hey Jay," you said. He looked down at you. "I wasn't born a boy." you said looking at the ground. He stopped and looked you up and down. Fear grew from your chest as his eyes moved around your frame. He rubbed his hands on his chest with a questioning look. "I got surgery." you said with a half smile. He nodded and continued walking with you, holding your hand closer and tighter. You smiled as you walked, knowing he would never think different of you. 

Michael: You walked downstairs and stood in front of the couch where Michael sat. "Hey Mikey.." you said fiddling with your fingers. He nodded. You hadn't been sure how to tell him you were trans and were nervous of his reaction. "I was thinking maybe you could stop calling me d/n and start calling me Flynn." he cocked his head as to ask why. "I'm not a girl Michael, I'm a man.." you said strongly. He nodded and reached an arm out, inviting you in. He kissed your shoulder and you melted into him. 

Ghostface (Billy and Stu): You were sitting in the living room with Stu and Billy when the phone rang. You let the voicemail get it as you snuggled closer to the two bony men. A voice rang through the machine, one that you recognized. "Hey Amanda! It's Kate. I just wanted to let you know I would be in town so I thought maybe we could get lunch! Call me back." then the machine went silent. "Who the hell is Amanda?" Stu laughed. "It's my dead name." you said flipping the channel. "Dead name?" Billy asked. "I was a girl and now I'm a guy. I thought you two knew I was trans?" you asked. They shook their heads but then Stu leaned back and put an arm around you, "Still hot." Billy said kissing the side of your face and Stu did the same on the other. 

Brahms: You flipped through your old baby pictures, showing them to Brahms. "Girl." he said pointing to you in the picture. "Yeah, I use to be. But I wasn't really myself." you said. He nodded without any other questions. 

Leatherface: You were very nervous for Thomas to find out. He was raised in the southern area and you didn't know how he would take it. "Thomas." you said as he walked past you, down the hallway. He turned to you. "Here." you said taking it. It was A letter that you wrote explaining everything to him. He looked up to you with watery eyes. "That doesn't matter to me." he said hugging you. "You can be whoever you want. I will always love you." he whispered in a mumble.  

Beetlejuice: "BABE." BJ yelled from downstairs. You poked your head around the corner. "Come downstairs." he said. You didn't know he was here and you hadn't had a chance to put your binder on. "I can't." you said stumbling to your closet. He popped into your room as you clutched the binder in your hand, tears brimming your eyes. "What's wrong babes?" he asked, looking over to you. He saw your chest, bulking with extra fat and looked shocked but snapped his fingers and your binder was on, under your shirt in an instant. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, wrapping his arms around you. "I wasn't sure how." you sais sounding nervous. "I'll love you no matter who you are." he said. 

Carrie: Carrie held your hand as you opened the letter with the other. You opened the document and began to cry as you read it. Carrie had to take over for you. "The individual previously known as d/n, will forthgoingly be known as Gwen on all future official documents as recognized by the official government." she said as she began crying. "You did it Gwen." she said kissing you. 

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