Leatherface Oneshot

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Thomas walked behind you in the kitchen. You helped Luda Mae cook dinner and your hands were busy as he wrapped his arms around your torso. His head dropped to your shoulder, brown curly hair just outside of your line of vision. 

He stood there for a while as Luda Mae smiled at the two of you. She knew the day she saw you, you would make a perfect match for her sweet boy and she loved how much you cared for him. 

Once dinner was done, Thomas helped you set the table and get ready to serve dinner. Hoyt came in and made a comment about Thomas looking the way he did today which of course got under Thomas' skin but he didn't say anything. 

You looked up and shot a glare to Hoyt, warning him to keep his mouth closed and not say another word to your significant other. Unfortunately he continued his tyraid. 

"What are you glaring at y/n, you have to get tired of looking at that face sometimes." Hoyt said with a laugh, waiting for you to retaliate. 

With that, Thomas disappeared to your shared bedroom and you felt fire growing inside your skull. "What the fuck did you just say?" you asked, daring him to say it again. The dumbass of course began to repeat himself. 

"I said, don't you get tired of-" you caught him short, crawling over the table to where he sat and grabbing his throat. With one hand you squeezed his neck and the other you began hitting anywhere on his face, eyes, mouth, nose. 

Luda Mae heard the russle and ran into the room, grabbing you off the table and staring at Hoyt who now was adorned with a black eye and scratch marks covering his face. She looked at and you sighed heavily. 

"Go check on Thomas." she said before laying into Hoyt about what he said. You ran up the stairs and into your bedroom. Thomas sat on the bed, shoulders hunched. You walked over and knelt in front of him. 

"Thomas." you said. he did not look at you. "Thomas," you said louder, grabbing his face with your hand. "I love you. You are perfect to me and Hoyt was just being an ass. Don't let him get to you." you said. He nodded still upset and sunk back to his original position. 

You pushed him back and climbed on his waist. "I mean it." you said pressing your forehead against his. He nodded and wrapped his arms around you. "I love you too." he said roughly. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now