Bo sinclair oneshot

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You drove through town in your busted pick up. Bo had finally let you drive it on your own last month.

The sound of sirens made you jump and pull over, you all didn't have a cop car?

Lights came around the corner and three police cars sped towards you. "Fuck." You muttered under your breath.

The slid to a stop in front of you and you were faced with four cops pointing their guns at you.

You got out of the truck with your hands up. "Is there a problem officers?" You asked trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Two people just came into town saying the owner of this truck ran them off the road and tried to kill them. Get on the ground now." One of them yelled.

Your head jerked to the side as you heard the service shop door open. Bo starred at the scene in Front of him.

"Babe." He said trying to get you away from them, taking a step.

"Bo don't. I'm sorry. I know you didn't know about what I have been doing. It's all my fault." You said lying.

You stayed away from the killing. It was all bo and Vincent but you were going to let them take Bo.

You got on the ground and a cop got on you, slapping handcuffs on you.

You heard bo struggling with an officer and looked to him through teary eyes as the cop picked you up to stand.

"Bo don't. I will be okay. I'm sorry!" You pleaded as you were shoved in the back of the squad car.

He had his hands on his head and tears rolled down his face as the cops sped off with you, out of town.

You sobbed in the back of the car. This was it. You were done for but at least Bo was safe.

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now