Jason Voorhees Oneshot

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There was something weird about the camp grounds you were staying at. Whether it was the warning glances you got from locals or the lack of camping accessability to the area, you brushed it off and set up camp on the Crystal Lake grounds. 

You made sure your tent was secure and locked your cooler. There was no way you would be taking less than major precautions. You always camped by yourself and traveled through the country, stopping in various areas. 

The daylight shone down on the empty spot you had claimed and you began builting the fire pit you wanted and getting things settled in. You planned to stay the weekend here before moving on and wanted everything to go smoothly. 

You grabbed your backpack and locked up your things in your tent, securing it and handing the key on a chain around your neck. You stood from your seat on the ground and smiled, looking around. 

The lake would be beautiful at this time of day and surely maybe you would be able to dip your toes in, if not just sit on the pier and enjoy the sun. 

You walked to the lake, admiring the scene and taking in the breath-taking nature surrounding you. There was nothing you didn't love about this place and all the benefits to it. 

Your footsteps thudded down the pier on the old and worn wood. You looked over the unguarded edge and admired the water. There was something peaceful to you about the murky depths. 

After sitting on the end of the pier and watching the waves bounce around below you for a while you stood and stretched, looking back towards the bank on the other side of the lake. You noticed a dark figure looking at you. 

The figure was a man dressed in what looked like a demin jacket and some kind of mask. It was quite gusty out and maybe he was a grounds keeper. You raised a hand to wave a bit but it was not returned he only continued to stare. 

You turned and walked back off the pier back towards your camp site. As the night grew on and darkness engrossed on your temporary home, you built your fire and cooked some dinner, hearing small creeks and snaps towards the direction of the lake. 

You had a feeling the man you saw earlier was out there. "I am about to go to bed for the night, if you are going to kill me make it fast but if not I will leave a plate out for you." you said with a smile in a joking tone. 

You made a spare plate before you put the remains in your tote and you sat it out with a small clear lid on it so bugs would stay away. Before you ducked your head in your tent you looked back out into the dark. 

"Goodnight," you said just loud enough for someone to hear you if they were listening. You left the fire simmering with rocks built around it. Sinking into sleep. 

In the morning you woke up and stretched. Unzipping your tent you froze seeing plate empty with a note on the inside. In sloppy writing "Thank you." was scribbled and you smiled at the paper kindly. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें