Carrie Oneshot

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Carrie had a tendency to avoid conflict when and iff possible. Though she seemed to be the target of most aggression in her life, you tried desperately to change that. You wanted her to see that not everyone was mean and hurtful. 

You were having your mom and dad over tonight and she was nervously straightening. You were sitting on the couch watching your adorable girlfriend scrub at the coffee table she had cleaned several times. The doorbell rang and she jumped, looking to you nervously. 

"Carrie, it's going to be fine. They are going to love you, I've told them great things." you said kissing her forehead and walked to the door. She sat the towel down and walked over as your parents entered your shared house. 

They hugged her and introduced themselves. You all settled into the living room. "So Carrie, you're y/n's friend?" your mother asked. You had told her about your roommate Carrie, not your girlfriend Carrie. You wanted to do that in person. 

Carrie looked over to you nervously, not knowing if she should break the news to your polite and starring mother. "Actually mom, Carrie is my girlfriend. We've been dating a couple months now." You spoke up, causing your mother's eyes to go slightly wider. 

Carrie sunk back into her seat but you held her hand proudly. You mother stood up and walked over to you and Carrie, opening her arms. "Carrie, welcome to the family!" she said with a smile. Carrie was shocked but hugged your mom back. 

"You mean.. you are okay with that?" Carrie asked, nervously. You mother nodded into her shoulder and your father spoke up. "Of course we are honey. What did you expect?" You dad laughed as he smiled at the two of you. 

As your mother sat back down, Carrie straightened up a little bit. She looked over at you with a smile. You had never seen her look so happy. For the rest of the night your parents asked Carrie questions and got to know her as your loving and cute as hell girlfriend. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now