Norman Bates Oneshot

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You pulled your van into the empty parking lot, the vacancy sign flickering. You got out of your van and slammed the door, angry and heat keeping your face warm in the rain. 

Your van was old but usually did a good job, however now, in a downpour it chose to act sketchy, causing you to pull over for the night at a motel. The Bates Motel. You pulled your backpack tightly to you and walked quickly to the front door. 

The bell overhead rang and you approached the desk. No one was there so you took your phone out of your pocket and tried to see if you had signal. 

"Can I help you?" a voice asked, startling you. You looked up and met eyes with a young man, maybe your age. He seemed timid and you offered a kind smile, he just stared at you. 

"I need a room please." you said. He nodded and turned, grabbing a key off the wall. You paid for your room and walked down the long hallway. You could feel his eyes on you. 

You shut the door behind you, turning the lock and sitting on the bed. You didn't plan on getting comfortabel but a warm showered did sound nice. You stripped off your clothes and climbed into the shower. 

You began scrubbing your hair with the mini shampoos and conditioners when you heard a click from the room's door. You peeked out of your shower, rubbing soap from your eyes. 

The man from the front counter peeked his head in the door. You opened your mouth and a blood-curling scream came out. He seemed startled but didn't move, staring at you with the widest eyes he could. 

You slipped on the soap that was lathered around your feet and fell hard on the tub floor. Tears began streaming your cheeks as you let out another wail of pain. "Help me!" You screamed seeing the man still standing in the doorway. 

The rushed over to you, shutting off the water and putting a towel over you. "Your arm is out of socket." he said panicking. You looked at him frantically, "Well put it back!" you screamed. He grabbed your arm and jerked it up, causing a loud "pop". 

You body relaxed a bit as the joint felt a little better. "Get out!" you screamed, coming to the realization again that you were naked and he had creeped into your room. You swatted at him with yout reset arm and he fled the room. 

After you were out and dressed you heard a knock at your door. You swung it open to see the man. "What?" you said angrily. "I came the first time to see if you were hungry.. This time I brought some chicken strips." he said offering you the styrofome box. 

You snatched the box from his hands and left the door open, "Well are you at least going to eat dinner with me?" you said, shaking the box of chicken as you sat on your bed. He shut the door quietly and followed you in. "Thanks for resetting my arm." you said as you bit into a chicken tender. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now