You break a bone

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Jason: Frantic to wrap it and splint it, Jason ripped apart cabinets to find a first aide kit. You watched him scrambled from the couch holding your hand within the non-shattered one. It hurt but not bad enough to panic but Jason was 100% distraught. 

Michael: He didn't show too much attention. After he helped you up and came to the conclusion that it was just a break in one of your toes he let you handle it. 

Ghostface (Billy and Stu): These boys PANICKED. What ended up just being a sprained ankle turned into an ambulance call, two boys on the verge of tears and one tossed around girlfriend. 

Brahms: You broke your leg falling down the stairs after he left clothes on the top of the stairs. He panicked, you yelled and he cleaned up the mess while you nursed yourself in bed. 

Leatherface: He has pretty extensive knowledge of the human anatomy and knew how to help the break in your wrist. He was quick to splint it and wrap it and make sure you didn't use it for several months. 

Beetlejuice: Disappeared as soon as he knew you were okay. He is a lot of things but a nurse isn't one. You broke your elbow?  

Carrie: Drove you to the hospital as she scolded you for trying to skateboard in the rain. You broke your arm. 

Bo Sinclair: Duct tape. He tried to fix it with duct tape. Luckily Vicent convinced you to go with Lester to the nearest hospital but Bo was keen on wrapping your broken leg in duct tape. 

Vincent Sinclair: Made a cast out of wax and splints. He soothed the ache in home remedies and put you on bed rest. You broke the main bone in your foot. 

Lester Sinclair: You pulled your shoulder out of socket. He had Bo reset it but made sure you stayed in bed after that to make sure you would be okay. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now