Beetlejuice Oneshot

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You loved him, your ghost with the most. He never failed to make you laugh or think when you needed him. He was amazing in every way for you. You never thought you'd fall for a dead guy but you did. 

You were in your house. The one he moved into. He couldn't stand the idea of not being with you. "Beej honey, will you come tell me if this looks okay?" you called from the bottom of the staircase. You had a work dinner to go to and wanted to look your best. 

He walked to the top of the stairs and your jaw hung open. You invited him but told him that if he went he had to dress up, thinking he wouldn't do it. But you starred up at your man, decked out in a new suit, his hair brushed back in a neat man-bun and a white and black striped tye hanging around his neck. 

He walked down the stairs and looked you up and down. "Beej, you look great." you said, almost breathless. He smiled kindly, "You look stunning." he said giving you a kiss. His usual boistrous self had subsided to a calm and considerate gentleman. 

He took your arm and walked out to the car with you, driving to the location of the dinner. He walked you in and all of your work friends introduced themselves. "Wow, y/n, I didn't expect you to have such a mature date." One coworker said. 

You grimaced at the remark. Looking at Beetlejuice it was easy to tell he was significantly older than you, but he was also dead. You didn't care, you were head over heels for him. You dodged all risky and rude comments. 

You finally saw your best friend and made your way to him, "Ryan!" you said, excitedly. He turned and smiled, hugging you. He introduced his stunning date. "This is Lawrence! The guy I've been telling you about." you said clutching Beej's arm. 

Beetlejuice shook Ryan's hand and they made small talk as you talked to his date. When the night was over you went home with a disturbingly quiet Beej. When you got home you began getting ready for bed and noticed tears in your loving boyfriend's eyes. 

"Baby what's wrong?" you asked. A tear slipped down his cheek. "I don't want to make you look bad." he said sadly. "Everyone thinks i'm too old for you." he said holding your hand. "I don't care." you shrugged. "I'm not dating you for them, I'm dating you because i love you." you said kissing him. 

You never thought you'd see a look so proud on your boyfriend's face. He pulled you into his lap. "So you really talk about me?" he asked with a smile. You rolled your eyes. "Beej, I go on and on and on and on and on and o-" he cut you off with a kiss as you laughed. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now