They come home to you having a self-care night

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Jason: Jason walked through the doors of the cabin, the kitchen light was on and he walked in to see you with your headphones in, dancing while stirring a bowl of cake mix. He leaned against the doorway and smiled. You turned and said "I'm making a cake." obviously way too loud because you had music blaring but he only nodded and smiled more. He loved you so much. 

Michael: this is covered in my last MM oneshot

Ghostface (Billy and Stu): These boys are all about some self care. Masks and nail painting, count them in. You make a night of it with them. 

Brahms: You ran a bubble bath and lit some candles. He came strolling in as you had your eyes closed and your head leaned against the back of the tub. "Out. This is for me, not for you." you said without opening your eyes. He smiled and backed out of the room, leaving you to enjoy yourself. 

Leatherface: He was always in the basement late. When he finally came up everyone was in bed and asleep but you were still awake. Painting your toenails and doing a face mask, he smiled knowing that was your way of treating yourself. 

Beetlejuice: Nope. Not interested. 

Carrie: She partakes with you, often going for a jog or working out. 

Bo Sinclair: You love doing yoga on early mornings before any of the boys are up. Bo often catches a glimpse of you out in the yard in the sunrise as he lights a cigarette from the porch, watching you do your stretches as aleive stress. 

Vincent Sinclair: Much like thomas, Vincent is in the basement until all house. When he did come up it was about 3 in the morning. You had earbuds in and were painting on one of his old, recycled canvases. It was gorgeous and he watched you for hours before leaving to shower, proud of you. 

Lester Sinclair: Lester has no concept of self-care. So when he saw you meditating he thought something was wrong. He tried it with you after you explained but he is a noisy boy and is not very good at it. But he gives you your peace for you time. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now