Ch. 1 "Beginning"

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                                                    Hayden POV 

Anger a powerful emotion, anger is what fuels my drive, Anger is all that flows through my veins, I was currently on my way home from school, I hated going home, my parents didn't like me at all, and I hated them for the way they treated me, 

They always find a way to cause me physical pain, for no reason what so ever, 

Didn't clean the dishes right, boom! they would punch me or hit or even kick, sometimes I would be just sitting there doing nothing and wham! 

That is why once the sun goes down I'm gonna sneak out, 

You see every night for as long as I can remember I sneak out putting on a hood and mask that covers my face and I go out dealing justice, just to take my anger out on those who deserve it, 

I sneak in the house to see both my parents gone, 

"Good," I whisper 

I sit in my room and finish my homework, I look up and see the sun has gone down, 

I smirked putting my hood and mask on, putting on a dark hoodie, and navy blue cargo pants with multiple pockets just in case, 

I go to the back of my closet grabbing my quiver and bow, and open my window 

You see on the street they named me bullseye because I never miss, I shoot each of my victims right above the heart rendering them unless sure it doesn't kill them, but it does stop them in their crime,

Right now I'm perched on top of a building watching the city, it was a beautiful night when I see something, Black Widow and Hawkeye fighting a bunch of HYDRA agents they took each and everyone of them down, 

Hawkeye had his back turned and one of the HYDRA agents was about to shoot him, 

I pulled back my arrow I aimed at the man it was a few yards away and got him right above the heart, 

The man fell to the ground, 

Hawk eye and Widow looked around and I ducked didn't want them to see me, 

                                           Clint POV 

Me and Nat were taking down the HYDRA agents once they were taking care of we just stood there taking a breather, 

"These guys know nothing lets go," Nat said 

Just as I was about to walk with her I heard the cocking of a gun, 

Just as I was about to react I heard a thud, I spun around to see the agent on the ground groaning with an arrow just above his heart, 

"It's them," I said kneeling looking at the arrow, It was a black arrow, 

Me and Nat looked around but didn't see anyone, 

Fury has had us working around the clock to find this Bullseye, they are taking down some major criminals, 

There MO was an arrow right above the heart, they never miss, 

"We need to report this to Fury," Nat said 

I nodded 

I didn't know who this guys is all I know is he just saved my ass, I thought as we made our way back to the tower 

                                         Hayden POV

I watched as they disappeared, the avengers, the wolds mightiest heroes, I try to avoid them, I don't need them crashing my party, 

Then I see it something that makes my blood boil, something that makes something inside of me snap, 

A man and woman, the man is beating the woman who is on the ground, 

I jumped down from the roof, I kicked him in the head, then bringing his head to my knee and kneed him as hard as I could, 

Making him fall to the ground, 

"Who.. who are you?" The woman cried 

"They call me Bullseye," I said 

with that I walked away, 

                                Clint POV 

We were all in the compound the next morning when Fury slams a news paper in front of us, 

The headline said 

"Bullseye saves the day again!" 

"I want this person Found and brought In!" He yelled 

"We're working on it," Tony said 

"They don't exactly stay in one place at once," Tony said 

I nodded 

"I don't care I want them found!" He said and stormed out 

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