Daughter? [Lewis Hamilton]

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"Holy shit, she's beautiful" Amy whispered gazing at the small baby currently snuggled in Y/N's arms, her head resting on her chest. "She definitely is," Y/N whispered placing a delicate kiss on her baby's forehead. Already, the baby had a head full of hair, dark hair – just like her father's hair. "Are you going to tell him?" Amy spoke distracting Y/N and pulling her gaze away from her newly born baby, she hummed in response prompting Amy to continue. "Lewis?" Amy nodded to the TV. It was the BBC News, they were announcing the Queen's New Years Honour List, of which included Lewis.

"I have too, don't I?"

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Amy assured her.

"I'd feel like the worst person in the world if I didn't tell Lewis that he had a daughter, he's always wanted a child." Lewis and Y/N had not broke up amicably, their relationship had worsen over the last few months until one day Y/N had just decided enough was enough – though she did not know she was pregnant was this point. She was sick of rarely seeing him. He'd say that he was busy, but then she'd see on Instagram later that night that he'd been partying in Monaco with beautiful, much more beautiful than her, models. It hurt her more than anything. "Y/D/N needs a father figure in her life, and even if we co-parent, that's better than nothing."

"I suppose you're right. You can phone him in the morning." Y/N adamantly shook her head. If she waited until the morning, she would probably chicken out of it. She waved her hand in the air, motioning for Amy to pass her her phone all while trying to not wake the baby. Y/N took a deep breath. It was now or never. Y/N still had Lewis' number saved in her contacts – she never had the courage to delete, simply not wanting to believe that it was the end for them. When she found out she was pregnant, she took as a sliver of chance that her and Lewis could rekindle their relationship.

"Hello? Y/N?" Y/N heart soared, it seemed that Lewis hadn't deleted her contact either.


"Y/N, what do you want?" He sounded rather snappy which made Y/N think she may have made the wrong decision in telling him.

"I'm in hospital."

"Why are you contacting me? Surely, it's next of kin you contact." Lewis sounded thoroughly confused. Y/N could picture his expression as if it hadn't been over six months since they'd last saw each other. Y/N took a deep breath before blurting out the news that had been weighing on her shoulders for months, "I've just had a baby... our baby." She heard his breath catch.


"I found out I was pregnant a week or two after we broke up-"

"Why didn't you tell me!" He sounded angry, frustrated even.

"You were never there before, what difference would it make!"

"It would mean you wouldn't have to be alone," Lewis spoke softly, "I would've been there for you. We could've done it together." It was silent for a few seconds until Lewis broke it, "What hospital are you at, I'm on my way."

"I'm at Lister-"

"I'll be there in-" Y/N but in before he could finish, "You'll have to go to my house. I can only have one visitor, but I'll be out tomorrow morning." Y/N heard him sigh in frustration.

"Right. Keys still under the plant pot?" Y/N let out a giggle and confirmed his guess. "I'll see you tomorrow and we'll talk this all over."

It seemed like no time had passed and suddenly, Y/N, Y/D/N and Amy were travelling down the motorway towards. She was nervous about meeting Lewis for the first time in over six months, but she would be lying if she said that she wasn't also excited. She spotted Lewis' Mercedes on her driveway and Amy slowly parked right behind it, almost immediately Lewis exited his car and ran to Y/N who was holding their daughter.

"This is Y/D/N then?" he whispered gently stroking her forehead, his gaze never leaving his new daughter.

This is she."

"She's perfect."


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