Grid Kids [Charles Leclerc]

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Y/N had never seen her son as happy as he was today. For his 5th birthday, Y/N had saved up for a ticket to the British Grand Prix, she only had to buy one since Y/S/N was young enough to qualify for the free ticket. Y/S/N was an accident that happened in the fleeting moments of young love, having gotten pregnant at 17. It wasn't until she was 14 weeks that Y/N had actually discovered that she was pregnant and as soon as she heart his heartbeat and saw him on the ultrasound, she knew there was no way she could abort him, and 5 years later Y/S/N is the best thing to come into her life especially after the father decided he didn't want to be a part of their lives anymore.

"Calm down Y/S/N, we're almost at the front." They were only moments away from entering the circuit when one of the attendants approached them.

"Are you excited for the race?" She asked with a wide smile, at Y/S/N's rapid nod she continued, "How do you feel about being one of the grid kid-" She didn't have the chance to finish her sentence before Y/S/N erupted into cheers which Y/N and the attendant could only laugh at. She handed the Y/N some wrist bands and lanyards to prove that they were allowed the enter the paddock and led them through security. They entered a room full of other kids and their parents and took a seat near to the front.

"When I call your name come and collect your hat," The same attendant who had chosen Y/N and her son said, she grabbed a black Mercedes hat with a number 44 on it, "Ok Laura Peters." The cycle repeated itself and then she grabbed a number 16 Ferrari hat, "Y/S/N Y/L/N." Y/S/N's eyes went wide. He loved Ferrari and had ever since he first began watching Formula 1, something about the red car attracted his attention. He jumped up and cheered, running up to collect his hat.

"Look mummy! It's Charles!" He waved the hat in front of Y/N until she grabbed his arms to calm him down.

"Isn't that amazing honey!" Y/N grabbed his hand as they were led from the room through the paddock and into one of the garages were all the drivers would be meeting their grid kids.

"There he is! There he is!" Y/S/N shouted jumping up and down as he spotted Charles before Y/N could even stop him he had run off in Charles direction, colliding directly with Charles' legs causing him to stumble forward slightly. As Y/N ran to catch up with her son, she saw Charles crouch down and give Y/S/N a high five. He erupted in a fit of giggles and handed his hat to Charles, "I'm your grid kid."

"You are? Well, I definitely have the best then." Charles chuckled at the over-excitable child and glanced up to Y/N who had stopped just in front of them. "Your brother is adorable."

"I'm sorry about him," Y/N smiled timidly, "oh but, he's not my brother, he's my son." A nervous laugh escaped Y/N. She always felt nervous when she told people that she had a five-year-old son. People always jumped to their own conclusions when they found out that she was a teen mum: that she'd ruined her life, or she'd never be able to amount to anything now that she had a child.

"Really? You're very young to be a mum." Charles commented. Y/N squinted her eyes, she wasn't sure how to respond to a comment like that, "I don't mean that in a bad way!" He quickly corrected upon seeing her reaction. It was safe to say that Y/S/N had the best birthday ever that day, made all that much better when Charles gifted them passes to the Ferrari garage so they could be even closer to the action. Y/S/N had taken a shine to Charles which Y/N wasn't upset about because herself and Charles had taken a shine to each other as well, even going as far as to get dinner together that night to celebrate his 4th place finish, and the rest is history.

 Y/S/N had taken a shine to Charles which Y/N wasn't upset about because herself and Charles had taken a shine to each other as well, even going as far as to get dinner together that night to celebrate his 4th place finish, and the rest is history

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