Pregnant [Daniel Ricciardo]

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                "And Daniel Ricciardo is a race winner once again!" The Renault garage erupted into cheers. It had been a long time since Renault last stood on the top step; 12 years in fact, which made this win all the more special. Y/N was ecstatic. Daniel had told her how confident he felt about this weekend and now with his first win under his belt since Monaco 2018, Y/N couldn't wait to celebrate later with the team – although her celebration wouldn't be as thrilling as it had been at Monaco, simply because now, she was pregnant, 11 weeks to be precise.

Y/N first had concerns when she hadn't gotten her period for 3 months, in all honesty, she should've taken a test after the first month, but she was prone to missing periods and so thought nothing of it, however, a quick call to her mother put her head on straight and she went to the doctors to get a tested and well, here we are.

It was a scramble out of the garage, a race to Parc Ferme for the best view of the podium ceremony and to congratulate Daniel. Y/N was pulled from the garage by Aurelie and tugged along the pitlane to Parc Ferme where they waited for Daniel to finish his victory lap. The crowd cheered as Daniel parked his car. Y/N could see him take a few deep breaths before he removed his steering wheel to climb out of the car. He threw his fists in the air, jumped down and then charged at the barrier and embraced his mechanics and engineers. Y/N watched as he glanced left to right before his sight settled on her, even through the gap in his helmet Y/N could see the happiness and relief in his eyes. She grabbed his helmet at he approached her and removed it from his head so that she could get the one thing she'd been craving since he left the garage two hours ago; a kiss. She leaned her forehead against his, she could feel the sweat on his face and the heat radiating from him that he'd worked up during his race.

"I'm so proud of you," Y/N whispered in Daniel's ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him in for a hug. Y/N had thought for the past week about how to tell Daniel that he was going to be a father and there was no chance better than the present, but just as she was about to whisper the words into his ear, he was pulled away by a steward to be weighed. Y/N let out a sigh as Daniel was removed from her grasp.

Y/N cheered loudly as Daniel was presented with his trophy and the champagne spray began, ducking her head as to not accidently swallow any as it rained down on them (regardless of volume, she didn't want to risk it). Shortly after the photographs were taken, David Coulthard walked out to start the interviews.

"So, Daniel, are we going to get a shoey today? First win with Renault, I think that deserves one." DC questioned. Daniel held a hand to his ear as if asking the crowd what he should do, with the crowd joining to chant 'shoey' in return. Taking the crowd's answer as his, Daniel bent down to untie his show before shooting up and speaking into David's microphone, "Wait a moment, Y/N told me that when I won my next Grand Prix that she'd do a shoey. I'm gonna take her up on that promise." Y/N heart nearly stopped, she could feel the eyes of those around her on her and she could see one of the cameras focused on her.

One minute, Daniel was on the podium and the next he was standing opposite her at the barrier, his bottle of champagne was on the ground at his feet. He grabbed her under her arms and lifted her over the barrier, wrapping his arm around once she was safely across. "For those of you who don't know, Y/N is Daniel's fiancée," DC mentioned as he walked towards them having followed Daniel down from the podium having finished interviewing Lewis and Max, who finished 2nd and 3rd respectively. Y/N leaned her head against Daniel's chest, basking in the warmth which radiated from him, Daniel smiled down at her when he noticed her rest against him and kissed her head.

"Right, shoey time!" The crowd roared in agreement and Daniel bent down once again to finish removing his shoe and began to pour the champagne into it. He held it up to Y/N to shook her head ferociously in protest, using her hand to push the shoe away from her, "No, no, I can't!"

"Sure you can!" Daniel laughed and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer so that he could hold the shoe while she drank the liquid.

"I really can't," Y/N continued to protest placing her hands on Daniel's chest to try and push her further away from him. The crowd watched on with laughter as the Daniel tried to get Y/N to drink the champagne while Y/N tried with all her might to push him further away, as far as the crowd were concerned Y/N simply didn't want to drink from Daniel's shoe. Catching the attention of DC, he strolled over to them, "Go on! Don't be a spoil sport!" He held the microphone between the three of them so that it'd hopefully pick up whatever they might talk about. As a last resort, Y/N took a deep breath and shouted, "I can't! I'm pregnant!", her voice was projected across the track thanks to the microphone and she covered her face with her hands. This was not how she wanted Daniel to find out, never mind all her family and friends.

"Wha?" Daniel said in shock, he gently grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from her face, "You're pregnant?" Y/N nodded slowly, trying to decipher the emotion in his face. The track was silent, everyone keen to see Daniel's reaction. For many, this was the first time they'd seen the man speechless after such a successful race, usually he'd be bouncing off the walls. A large smile overtook his face, "You're pregnant!" He cheered. A smile appeared on Y/N's face as well, this was the best reaction she could've hoped for. He grabbed Y/N and pulled her tightly against his chest, swaying side to side on his feet as he tried to wrap his head around the new information he'd just received. He was ecstatic, and so too were the crowd if their cheers were anything to go by. "You're pregnant." Daniel whispered into her ear as he held her impossibly closer.

Hi all! Haven't done one of these in a while, but I am curious (little question for you all); when did you all become interested in F1?

For me, I first became aware a year or two ago when I was in Belfast and Red Bull Racing where there doing a show run, but 2020 would've been the first season that I was actively following (some season to start lol)

For me, I first became aware a year or two ago when I was in Belfast and Red Bull Racing where there doing a show run, but 2020 would've been the first season that I was actively following (some season to start lol)

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