Teacher [Lewis Hamilton]

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"Alright class, you can pack up but wait for the bell to ring." Y/N said as she looked from the clock on the wall to glance over the students in her classroom. It was nearly half three which is when school finished for the day and Y/N knew there was no hope in getting her students to continue any more work, it was a Wednesday afternoon and they were too rowdy to do any schoolwork. As soon as Y/N announced they could pack up, the students sprang into action, clearing their desks of all their belongings and packing their bags.

Y/N taught geography in a secondary school just outside of Milton Keynes. When the bell finally rang at half 3, Y/N barely had time to dismiss them before they had all vacated the classroom with the exception of 4 pupils.

"Are you all staying for the European Club?" At their nod, Y/N continued, "Fab!" She clapped her hands, "We'll just wait for the rest to arrive and then we'll begin." Y/N focused back on planning a few lessons for tomorrow while keeping an eye on the pupils with her peripheral vision. Y/N loved hosting the European Club. It was a club that allowed her to teach beyond the classroom to the children that were interested. Each week they focused on a different country and this week it was going to be about Monaco. Finally, when it seemed that everyone had arrived, Y/N began.

"Today, we're going to be learning about Monaco! It's located at the south of France along the Mediterranean Sea." Y/N began but was interrupted by a few of her pupils gasping. Y/N's gaze snapped to the sound with a concerned look expressed on her face, "Jamie?"

"Miss Y/L/N? There's someone at the door." Lucy, another pupil, told her quietly. Y/N turned her attention to the door where her posture relaxed as she recognised the person at the door, and she used her hand to indicate to him to come in.

"Lewis? What are you doing here?" Y/N questioned as her boyfriend entered the classroom. Y/N and Lewis had been in a relationship for nearly 2 years and she loved every second of it. She loved to watch him race and always tried to make it to the European races even though it made her Monday mornings worse than usual.

"I'm here to pick you up. I always do this when I arrive home." Lewis answered

"I can't leave. I have European Club." Lewis furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "Oh, can I stay?" Before Y/N could answer Jamie spoke up, "Yes!" Y/N guffawed as she eyed the outspoken pupil with a smile while Lewis simply laughed. "You can stay. Actually, you can tell us about Monaco."

"Monaco?" Lewis walked further into the classroom and took a seat at one of the tables in the front row beside Y/N's chair. Seconds had barely passed when Y/N noticed at Jamie was slowly edging his way along the desks to be seated closer to Lewis. Y/N simply smiled in his direction as he continued to move, unbeknownst to him that he'd already been caught out.

"Lewis, tell us about Monaco."

"Monaco is beautiful. Words can't describe it." Lewis summed up. He continued to speak about his experience in Monaco, but as Y/N's eyes flittered across the faces of her pupils, she could that they weren't paying attention to what he was actually saying and seemed to be mesmerised by the fact that a Formula 1 World Champion was sat in front of them teaching them about Monaco.

"This is a lost cause." Y/N said with a sigh, the students' attention turned from Lewis, who had stopped speaking when he heard Y/N speak, to Y/N. "We'll continue Monaco next week. You can spend the rest of the hour with Lewis." Y/N returned to her desk and began to plan some much needed lessons plans for the rest of the week. She tuned out the voices of her students as they asked Lewis questions and the occasional click of a camera while she sorted through some files and sent some work to the printer to be printed before sorting them into piles in accordance with when she'd need them.

"Hey," Y/N jumped when Lewis ghosted his hand across her shoulder. She glanced up from marking some work to see an empty classroom, at her confused gaze Lewis answered her unspoken question, "I sent them home. It's nearly quarter to 5." Y/N's mouthed a silent 'oh'.  "Give me 5 minutes and we can leave." She began to shut down her laptop after saving her work and shuffled all her paper into a few separate piles. "Let's go."

Lewis offered his hand to her and helped her carry all her belongings out to his car. The two of them walked outside with their hands swinging together between them. "This is nice." Lewis commented.

"What?" Y/N was confused by his comment as she didn't find anything really nice about finishing work at nearly 5 o'clock.

"This," He indicated to their intertwined hands, "but you know what would make this even better?" Y/N raised an eyebrow in his direction, "if we were walking our child back to the car between us." Y/N was speechless, blinking slowly as she understood him.

"Let's wait a bit longer, perhaps?" She reasoned with him with a smile. Lewis let out a chuckle, "Soon?"

"Soon. Yeah."


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