Slang [Charles Leclerc]

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As the new driver for Ferrari, having replaced Sebastian who had retired at the end of the previous season, people were interested in you as you had come straight from F2 to the Ferrari seat through the Ferrari Driving Academy and Ferrari chose to capitalise on this to make some YouTube videos to gain more popularity, similar to what McLaren and Red Bull Racing did. It was the weekend of the British Grand Prix in Silverstone and as there was no Irish or Northern Irish Grand Prix this would be your home race. You were joined with Charles in the hospitality where you were going to quiz how well Charles knew slang from your home country. The two of you were sat beside each other, ready to begin whenever the camera man was ready.

"We're here at Silverstone and I'm going to quiz Charles on his knowledge of slang?" You said with a pointed smirk in his direction, he sat up straighter turning to you with a quirked eyebrow, "What is slang? I don't recognise that word." You covered your mouth to stifle a laugh as sometimes you forgot that English wasn't Charles' mother tongue despite how well he spoke it.

"Slang is like-" You paused, furrowing your eyebrows together as you tried to think of an appropriate way to explain it "-it's like shortened words that mean something, but usually only locals would know them?" You questioned yourself as you even struggled to understand what you'd just said but Charles seemed to get the gist of it as he nodded and faced the camera again. "I've got my cue cards so let's see if the PR and Marketing teams have done their research." You said with a teasing smile to behind the camera where both your's and Charles' press officers were stood. You held up the cards (out of view from Charles because no one likes a cheater) and let out a giggle at the first one. "Ok, this is probably the most iconic one; craic."

Charles looked to you with a smile, "I've heard you say it a lot, so I know what this one is. It's like 'how are you' right?" You nodded somewhat in agreement.

"Yeah, I suppose, it can be anything. You'd say, 'What's the craic?' or 'That was good craic', it encompasses everything. However, there is a correct answer to 'What's the craic?' which it 'craic's 90." Charles gives you a confusing stare as if to say why 90. "Craic is measured on a scale of 1 to 90, 90 being good craic and 1 being ... well bad craic."

"That's so strange but I'll take your word for it." You flipped the card to the back of the pile and glanced at the next one, "Cultchie." You said and waited for his reaction.


"Cultchie. Basically it's a term used to describe basically everyone who doesn't live in either Belfast or Dublin but like I'm from Armagh, I wouldn't describe myself as a cultchie but it's something that people would call me because I don't live in Belfast," You had to laugh at Charles expression as it simply said 'what the hell'.

"If this is your language, I'm never going to visit Ireland." You found this whole scenario hilarious as of course you knew what the words meant but to see someone from a different country try to understand them was comedic gold.

"You've actually heard me say the next one so often, wee." You said and Charles perked up as he recognised this one. "I know this one!" You laughed and waved your hand for him to continue, "You always say it! You put it in front of everyday word, but it doesn't mean a size or anything." You nodded in agreement with a laugh, "Yeah, you'd say I'll take a wee cup of tea even though you're getting a normal sized cup of tea." You looked behind the camera to see both the press officers and the cameraman trying to stifle their laughs, "Look, I didn't come here to be mocked on my slang, I came to educate the unfortunate."

"Unfortunate? Of what? Your slang is so weird!" Charles spoke with raised eyebrows.

"Let's agree to disagree. Jammie." You said and Charles perked up as if he had an epiphany. "I know this one. It's those biscuits you eat." You guffawed with a shake of your head, "No." You paused to contain your laughter, "That's a jammie dodger! Jammie the slang word means like lucky. If you won a race between us two, I called you jammie."

"Why not just lucky?"

"I don't know, go and ask the creator, I'm sure they'll tell you." As you spoke your accent got heavier and Charles just stared at you with confusion written over his face. "I can't understand your accent, speak slower!" He laughed with a smile evident on his face. With a loud sign and a look of mock annoyance on your face you began to over annunciate every word you spoke, "O-K, I am go-ween to con-tin-you." Charles just stared at you, "You're being ridiculous now."



"Eejit. You're an eejit."

"I feel like this is an insult."

"Oh, it is." You nodded your head, "It means idiot. Probably one of the most beautiful words in the language. I use this at least once a day."

"I'm going to start saying all these words and you're going to regret teaching them to me." Charles said with a smirk in your direction, you gave him a deadpan look. "Next time I'll teach you my slang."

"That'll be interesting because 5 years of French in school and I barely remember anything."

The cameraman yelled cut and you slouched back in the settee beside Charles finally able to release all the laughter that you'd had to restrain throughout the video otherwise you would've had to refilm it so many times. Charles, he too collapses beside you and chuckled. "I've learnt English for years I hadn't heard of those words until I met you."

"Best way to understand a language is through its slang."

The video was posted to the Ferrari YouTube channel and later that night you and Charles were sat together in his hotel room, reading through some of the comments which made the two of you giggle.

Can't wait to see Y/N try French slang!

"What's the craic?"
"That was good craic"

Ok Y/N

Some of these words, you wouldn't even believe they were words.

'wee' is literally used all the time, you'd say that was a cute wee dog even if it's a German Shepherd.

F1Fan23'wee' is literally used all the time, you'd say that was a cute wee dog even if it's a German Shepherd

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