73 Questions [Lando Norris]

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                Lando had prewarned you that Vogue UK were visiting today to film '73 Questions' with him and as such he was very excited. You were a bit more weary of a random filming crew coming to your boyfriend's home and had spent the past day tidying up and ensuring that some things were well hidden so that they wouldn't be stumbled upon during the shoot. You were sat in the living room watching 'This Morning' when there was a knock at the door, Lando shot up to answer it, but turned to look at you.

"You are ok with this, right? I can leave you home before we start if you think it'll be uncomfortable." You smiled at his thoughtfulness. It was one of the many reasons you loved him. You stretched out your hand and he grabbed on to it, pulling him closer you gave him a kiss before whispering, "I'm fine with it, it'll be fun." You gave him a final kiss before letting go of his hand so that he could go answer the door.

You were surprised when the crew entered to see that it was only one person with a camera; you had half been expecting there to be much more, but this was good. It eased some of the anxiety you felt about having strangers poke around your belongings. You watched from the sofa as they began to film.

"Wow Lando Norris! Thanks for agreeing to do 73 Questions with Vogue!" Joe, the interviewer gushed.

"You're welcome, I couldn't miss it. So welcome to my crib" Lando grinned. You knew he'd try to slip that in as he'd had quite the obsession with MTV Cribs. Joe focused the camera on Lando and walked backwards down the hall. Lando's home was quite small so you could everything they were discussing from your seat on the settee, the only downside to this interview was the fact that you had to turn the TV off in case it interfered with the audio of the video.

"So how you are feeling about the upcoming season?"

"Testings gone well, we got some good cars this year so hopefully we'll see a lot more points and podiums. I'm so excited for the season to start, can't wait to get back into the car."

"So ... walk me through your morning routine." Joe stopped at the entrance to the living room.

"This morning or in general?" Joe shrugged in response and replied saying Lando could describe what he felt like. With a smirk and a glance to Y/N on the sofa, he answered.

"Well, I'm pretty chill in the mornings. I usually have a shower and freshen up for the day. Had porridge for breakfast today before I had to go do a quick workout and then Y/N came over."

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"Yep!" Lando replied with a smile, "She's sitting behind you." The interviewer glided the camera round so that it is focused on you. You smiled at the camera and gave it a shy wave of your hand. Lando had to stifle a laugh at how timid you'd become as it was so unusual for you to be that quiet. The camera turned back to Lando to ask him a question.

"What's the best advice someone had ever told you?"

"Hmm, everyone always says to enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it then why are you doing it."

The interview moved from the living room to upstairs and you could assume that Lando was showing them his gaming room. A room he was very proud of.

"And what's in this room?" Joe shifts the camera to show of the room. In one corner is a desktop computer and opposite it is Lando's racing simulator. A few helmets littered the floor and the window sill.

"This is my ... well I like to say it's my office but Y/N calls it my games room which I find quite hurtful because it makes it seem like I am a 5 year old." Lando replied with a laugh.

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