Jules [Charles Leclerc]

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Everything changed when Jules died. Nothing was the same; you fell into a slump. You didn't feel anything. Jules meant everything to you. The two of you were high school sweethearts that fell in love which grew as you grew and never wavered. You could remember the days that you helped Jules babysit his godson; Charles and his brother, Arthur. They had so much energy that it wore you out and at the end of the day you wanted to do nothing else but watch a movie with Jules and curl up beside him as he would wrap his arms around you.

It was difficult. Learning to live without Jules was not something you thought that you'd ever have to do but you knew that he was looking down on you and so you worked hard for him; to make him proud. It was the motivation you never wanted but it pushed you in the right direction, and so when you graduated from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis you dedicated your success to him. It was your dream to become a teacher, much like his was to become a F1 Driver – and you could proudly say that you'd accomplished that dream.

You loved to reminisce over memories of Jules, and you kept a box full of memories in your wardrobe that you could pull out and hoke through when you wanted to. It was this exact scenario that Charles found you in with a few stray tears trickling down your cheeks, he was quick to sit down beside you and wrap you up in a warm hug – just like Jules would've done.

"Y/N ..." Charles trailed off using the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears away.

"I miss him so much," You cried into his shoulder. It took nearly 5 minutes for Charles to calm you down as you shook in his arms.

"He's still here, in there." Charles said pulling Y/N away from his chest and tapping her heart, "He'll always be here. Let's see what you got, yeah?" He pulled her memory box closer and began to paw through it. If it were any other person, Y/N would object but because it was Charles it was okay as this was something they both needed. The box was full of little trinkets, papers and photos but one in particular stood out to Charles and he pulled it from the box; the order of service from your wedding. It was decorated with flowers and your's and Jules' names. "What a day." Charles mumbled.

"No day will ever replace how happy I was." You said quietly as you leaned your head on his shoulder to look at the booklet.

"Do you remember my speech?" You let out an involuntary laugh, of course you remembered Charles' speech – it was beautiful. It was so heartfelt and allowed you to remember so many forgotten moments from the beginning of your relationship such as spending summers in Nice karting (or well watching Jules, Charles and Arthur from the side-lines). "Do you remember when I said, 'I'll know I've found the right person when they look at me the way Y/N looks at Jules'? I think I'll found that in Charlotte." He admitted. You gasped, picking your head up from his shoulder and looking to him in amazement.

"Really!" You were so happy for him. if anyone deserved happiness it was Charles. He had lost so much; his best friend, his dad and then more recently, Anthoine. At his nod in confirmation you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. "Yes! Do it! It's so obvious that she loves you." You pulled back and glanced at the 2 rings on your fourth finger. You'd never taken them off but now you had a reason to, you pulled the engagement ring off and grabbed Charles' wrist with one hand and with the other pressed the ring into the palm of his hand and then closed his hand around it. "This is for you."

Charles began to rapidly shake this head, "No ... this is yours. Jules gave it to you." He objected and tried to give it back to you, but you rejected any attempt made by him and insisted that he take it. "Jules would want you to have it, take it. Jules gave it to me because he loved me, now give it to the girl that you love." Charles stared at the ring in his hand, opening and closing his fist around it before turning to you with a watery smile and whispering a quiet 'thank you'. You could remember the day that Charles introduced you to Charlotte. It was just after Christmas and he was coming to your home in Nice to catch up as you hadn't seen him since the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, and he had rang earlier that day to ask if he could bring Charlotte (to which you obviously agreed) and from that day, you knew you'd found a new friend in Charlotte. Race weekends became more fun as you could watch them with Charlotte when the two of you couldn't make it out to the races and their love for each other reminded you of the love that You and Jules shared.

During the Summer Break, Charles approached you with his plan to propose to Charlotte and you couldn't have been more excited. After being in Maranello for 2 weeks to work at the factory, the last week of break was dedicated to enacting the plan.

A bonfire had been planned to celebrate the last weekend in Monaco before the season picked back up again and it was you job to get everyone off the beach so that Charles could propose; a difficult task (you try getting all the Leclercs the follow you) but you succeeded. From a distance you watched as Charles approached Charlotte and they spoke for a while; you couldn't hear them but watching them just emanated the love between them. It wasn't long thereafter that Charles stepped back and got down on one knee, and Charlottes hand flew to the mouth rapidly nodding. A smile lit up your face as you knew that Charles deserved this happiness and you only wished that they'd have the forever that you and Jules couldn't physically have.

 A smile lit up your face as you knew that Charles deserved this happiness and you only wished that they'd have the forever that you and Jules couldn't physically have

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