Distraction [Lando Norris]

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Being the girlfriend of F1 driver, Lando Norris, meant that you were used to him spending countless long hours at the McLaren Technology Centre training but with this lockdown in place it meant that his work outs now took place at home in the garden. It was bittersweet. Obviously, the current global pandemic was not an ideal situation, but it allowed you to admire Lando and in particular, admire Lando as he trained which was quite a pleasant sight. You were thankful that Lando's Guildford home had a good size of a back garden and as you were living with him during the lockdown you took full advantage of the garden and the current beautiful weather that the UK was experiencing.

You had changed into a black bikini so that you could receive as much sunshine as possible, goodness knows you were in desperate need of a tan. You made your way outside through the folding patio doors that led to the back garden and took a seat on one of the sun lounger, as you relaxed into the chair you pulled your sunglasses down from your hair to cover your eyes and block out the sun (also to possibly stare at Lando without it being too obvious), and began to read a book.

It wasn't long until you gave up on the book and just started to stare at Lando and boy was it a pleasant sight. His trainer, Jon, was contacting him everyday with a workout for him to complete and today was no different. Jon had him doing planks, weights and 10km on the exercise bike. You had to stifle a laugh every time you heard Lando moan and groan with complaints.

"This is torture." He groaned with a deep breath as he lay on the grass after doing some weights.

"Oh, wise up," You smiled lifting your glasses slightly to eye him. He gave you a dead look and blinked slowly, "I'd like to see you try!" You leaned back into your chair and sighed. "That's right, you couldn't!" He called from the grass where he lay. You ignored his comment and watched as he stood up, trudged to his exercise bike, hopped onto it and began to cycle but every now and then you could see him glance to his right to look at you briefly before panning round to stare at the screen on his bike.

"Am I distracting you?" You teased, finally having enough of his on and off stares. He jumps slightly as it had been silent until you had spoken with the exception of his heavy breathing which was due to his cycling. "How could you not be distracting while you're wearing that? How am I meant to work out with you distracting me?" He pouted as he paused his cycling to turn and face you.

"That sounds like a you problem, hun." You giggled at his affronted expression on his face as he shook his slightly as if to understand what you'd just told him. "That's not very nice, Y/N." He said clambering off his cycle and strolling over to you to stand in front of the bed with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" You said in a matter of fact tone and sat upwards leaning back on your elbows. With a smirk he sat at the edge of the bed and began to crawl on top of you until his forehead was against yours and his hands were holding him up either side of your body. "This is what I'm gonna do about it." he whispered against your lips before pressing his against yours in a passionate kiss. You immediately lay down on the bed and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer until he was nearly laying on top of you. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth and your fingers tugged at the ends of his hair as he began to trail kisses down your neck and suck on your skin. You quickly pushed him away before your actions got too explicit for the back garden (although it could be argued that that line had already been crossed).

"Back to training." You smiled at him and tapped his cheek lovingly He climbed off of you and sat back down on the edge of the bed and stared at you.

"You're such a distraction but I love it." He leaned over and gave you one final kiss before standing up and returning to his exercise bike.

" He leaned over and gave you one final kiss before standing up and returning to his exercise bike

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