Youtube [Charles Leclerc]

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"Babe please!"


"Please! Pretty, pretty please!" You pleaded with your boyfriend of 2 years as he was working out on the balcony of your Monegasque apartment. He slowed his cycling pace on his exercise bike and sat up straight to stare at you. Taking a sip of his water he quirked an eyebrow and gave you a half smile, "No." and with that he resumed cycling.

"Fine. No kisses." You huffed.

"What? No that's not fair!" He complained but it fell on short ears as you had already made your way back into the apartment, it wasn't long until you heard him clamber down from his bike and follow you inside to stand in front of you from where you were sat on the settee. "Y/N, come on!"

"Will you do the video with me?" You smirked. You knew he would do it; it was inevitable and all it took was a little empty threat of no kisses because lord knows you wouldn't be able to survive without some attention from Charles' lips. With a loud and exaggerated sigh, he nodded and slumped beside you in defeat. You gave his knee a gentle slap and bounced to your feet, "Let's go!"

"Now? I need to shower I've been working out all morning." And with that he sauntered into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. It was probably for the best as it would allow you to get everything ready without his pestering you because if one thing was for certain it was that Charles was quite an impatient person. You had begun your YouTube a year or so before you met Charles and it was through that that you actually met him as you'd been invited to the Italian Grand Prix and you happened to stumble across each other in the paddock, and the rest was history. It was a video you'd been pestering at him for ages to do as he wasn't that great a cook and it was something you always made fun of him for as every time he tried to make food it ended in a disaster and the fans seemed to struggled to understand how bad of a cook he actually was, thus this was the perfect opportunity to showcase this skills, or lack thereof, to the fans.

By the time Charles emerged from the bedroom you had set up the kitchen into a makeshift filming studio with a camera and lights set up and ready to go and the ingredients were out. For the video you planned on baking a cake and while neither Charles or you could eat it (you tried to eat similar to Charles so that he wouldn't be upset when he'd see what you could eat), you were positive that your neighbours would devour it.

"Let's get this show on the road." Charles spoke as he walked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss to the back of your head. You grabbed his wrist and pulled it until he was stood in view beside you.

"Hi guys! Today I'm here with my boyfriend, Charles, and we're going to bake a cake!" You smiled and immediately you could see Charles go wide as you hadn't disclosed what you were actually going to be making.

"Oh no. This will be a disaster." He muttered under his breath.

"Let's go. First of all we need to cream the butter and sugar." Charles grabbed the two and poured them into the large bowl before grabbing the hand whisk.

"First of all; what does 'cream' mean?" He questioned. You let out a small laugh and informed his of its meaning. He let out a sound of understanding and began to whisk. It was going well. So far. But now it was time to add the flour which he did with no bother – quite literally as he added all of it in one go and before you could even stop him, he'd turned the whisk on high and stuck it in the mixture. You let out a squeal as flour was spat everywhere; your clothes, hair and arms were covered as were Charles and the countertops. "Jesus! What the hell!" He jumped back from the counter, dropping the whisk so that it leant on the side of the bowl but forgot to turn it off so mixture continued to be spat everywhere but this time due to Charles it was going up the side of the cupboards and walls.

"Charles!" You shouted followed by a burst of laughter as he slapped his knees and tried to control his breating as did you but you assumed that it was for opposite reasons. "You are going to clean his kitchen top to bottom." Charles let out words of protest but that fell on deaf ears as you stared at him with a hand on your hip and tapping you foot against the ground, and eventually he grumbled a word of agreement.

"I think you will all agree that this isn't going to be a full video, I'll probably end up putting into a montage video of some sorts," You turned your gaze to Charles who was stood beside you finally calmed down from his laughing fit, "Maybe next time we can go on the simulator!" You suggested but Charles was quick to oppose.

"Who said there was going to be a next time? This was a disaster!"


User1: I love this!

User2: I ship them so hard! They're made for each other!

User3: That baking part was hilarious. Charles was so clueless!

               User4: I wonder how long it took them to clean.

User5: This is the video I never knew I needed in my life

User6: Who is here because of Charles?

User7: Congratson Spa and Monza!

User7: Congratson Spa and Monza!

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