Puppy Love [Charles Leclerc]

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                      With Charlotte being your best friend, it was no surprise to you that she agreed to dog-sit Devil while you were out of the country for work, or well she said she'd ask Charles if he minded having a dog around for a week (but you knew the answer would be yes). Charlotte was actually ecstatic when you asked her as she had grown to love your dog. Devil was an Alsatian that you had rescued from the pound when he was just a puppy; you fell in love with him as soon as you laid eyes on him and that love had never stopped growing, neither had the dog. In fact, most people were intimidated by the dog and thus you refrained from walking him through Monte Carlo and generally took him into the countryside to walk him as you were able to use the fields around you to play with him. It was also due to the reputation that Alsatians had that made you want to train him so badly so that you could help break the stereotype and show that a dog is only as bad as its' owner.

You and Charlotte had grown up together and so to say you were like sisters was an understatement. Like you and Devil, Charlotte and Devil had a special relationship as she was around him the most, second only to you. He adored her and always got excited and giddy when she visited.

It was the day of the Monacan Grand Prix, you knew it'd be a mission to get into the centre of Monte Carlo where Charlotte lived with her boyfriend, Charles, but it would have to be done as you had a flight to catch from Nice in a few hours.

You knocked on their door and Charlotte answered with the biggest smile on her face, she dropped down to the ground and cuddled Devil. "Good to see you too." You said handing her his leash and a bag of other necessities. You stooped down and pulled Devil in for a hug, "I'll see you in a week, bud." You gave him a kiss and said goodbye to Charlotte before leaving the flat to enter the chaos that was Monte Carlo; busy on a normal day but unbearable on the Grand Prix weekend.

Charlotte pulled Devil further into the flat and began to set up an area within the living room where he could sleep. She set up his food and water bowls, piled his toys into a basket and set them in the corner before opening the doors to the balcony and sitting out there to enjoy the race. She was sad that she couldn't join Charles for his home race, but he understood that she was watching Y/N's dog and the racetrack wasn't the most appropriate place for a dog – especially one of his size.

Charlotte was over the moon with joy; Charles had come P3. It was his third time doing this circuit in F1 but his first time actually being able to finish it without having to retire his car. She sat back on the settee in the living room, Devil in his bed in the corner, to watch the post-race interviews on the TV. She couldn't restrain the smile on her face, and she watch Charles. He was ecstatic – that much was clear. It was a few hours later when she heard the front door of the flat jiggle and it seemed that Devil heard it too and he jumped up and sprinted to the door. You could tell by the high pitched squeal that Charles was home and he was meeting Devil for the first time.

"Uh ... Charlotte?" He asked uncertainly. Charlotte stood up from the settee and moved to the hallway where she could see Charles pressed up against the door with an over-excited dog bouncing around at his feet.

"You driver sports car at over 300kmph, but you can't handle a dog?" She laughed and called Devil who came trotting over to her. She knelt down to stroke his head.

"Please ... please tell me you didn't buy us a dog. I know we both love them but it's the middle of the season and-"Charlotte cut him off by grabbing the sides of his head and pulling him in for a kiss. In the midst of the kiss, Charles swapped positions so that he had his arms wrapped around Charlotte, pressing her into the door. She ran her fingers through his hair repeatedly before pushing him away.

"Not in front of the dog." He gave the dog a side eye. As if he was getting cockblocked by a dog. "To answer your question. This is Y/N's dog. I told you we were minding him for the week"

"That is no dog-"

"Yes it is. An Alsatian is a dog."

"I was not expecting this." He ran his hand through his hair and leaned back against the wall. "When you said 'dog', I pictured a pug, or a cockapoo if we're being exotic. Not an Alsatian."

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. Give me your hand." Charlotte said and grabbed his hand regardless of whether he wanted to not. She called Devil over and had to pull on Charles' hand as he tried to pull in the opposite direction. Devil gave his hand a sniff and as if he could tell Charles was nervous, he gave his hand a lick before sitting down in front of them. "See, look how cute he is!"

Over the course of the next few days before Charles had to fly out to Canada, the two of them bonded over walks, treats and belly rubs galore, and you knew that this was the perfect opportunity for you to show him how essential a dog was with the hope that during the winter break she's be able to get a dog too.

When Sunday rolled around and Y/N was home from her work trip, it seemed that Charles wasn't too eager about returning Devil to his rightful owner and went as far as to hide various belongings of Devil's in order to postpone him leaving. It was cute and just confirmed to Charlotte that Charles had been won over (no matter how much he wanted to deny it).

 It was cute and just confirmed to Charlotte that Charles had been won over (no matter how much he wanted to deny it)

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