I'm a Celeb [Lando Norris]

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              Lando had dreamed of going on I'm a Celeb; to test how mentally strong he really was and to meet new people along the way, but the show always filmed and aired in November – right at the end of the season and so he never thought he'd get the chance until he retired, but opportunity arose as due to the COVID Pandemic, the show was postponed for a few months until January of 2021. Right in the offseason. Lando literally had to beg McLaren to allow him to do the show once ITV had approached him. Within days of accepting, he'd been whizzed off to a hotel Wales (the show unable to film in its usual location of Australia due to the travel restrictions) to film introductory clips.

"Hi, I'm Lando Norris. I'm twenty-one years old and I race for McLaren Formula One Team." It took him nearly ten takes to get it perfect without bursting into laughter midway through. "Initially, I was really excited about this, but now ... now I'm like oh no. None of my friends know I'm going in so it'll be a surprise for them too, but I just know they'll be laughing their heads off at me when I'm nearly crying during a bush tucker trial.

Lando was scheduled to be one of the campmates joining midway through the first week, which worked out well for him as he had a seat fit for the upcoming season earlier in the week that he couldn't miss, but now as he walked towards the bushtucker trial clearing, feeling the gentle wind blow through the air and breathing in the crisp morning air he began to get nervous. He wasn't sure what he'd be doing when he arrived, but from watching the show every year for as long as he could remember he knew he'd be in for a treat. Lando was able to watch from a screen at the clearing as the campmates woke up to the news that they were getting a new campmate.

"Oh, we've got a letter!" Hollie Arnold (MBE) shouted with glee waving the letter in the air as she walked towards the other celebrities, "'Dear Celebrities, a new campmate is on their way, but before he arrives, he and another campmate must compete in a trial for tonight's dinner. Decide who's going to do it and make their way to the bushtucker trial clearing.' That's so exciting! We're getting a new campmate, who'd you think it is?"

"It could literally be anyone, I don't even have the faintest idea of who it might be, but I'll gladly volunteer to do the trial. I need to get out of this camp!" Y/N laughed standing up from the log benches and walking towards Hollie, wanting to inspect the note for herself. No one seemed to object Y/N doing the trial and so she headed out of camp, much to the well wishes of her campmates.

"Good morning Y/N," Dec said welcoming her into the clearing. At first glance, all she could identify were what seemed like two chambers in the ground, almost like a giant safe. "This is Viper Vault, but before we get into that let's meet your new campmate. Lando Norris." Lando appeared from the same clearing entrance that Y/N had walked through seconds earlier, fully kitted in the iconic clothing that all the campmates receive when they enter camp. "Welcome, Lando to I'm a Celebrity ... get me out of here, so as we've said, this is Viper Vault. How do you feel about snakes?"

"I think I can handle snakes. I've held them while I was in Singapore last year so I hope I can just ignore them and get the stars." Y/N turned to him with a look of shock on her face, "I'm glad you're so nonchalant about this, I'm shitting myself."

"Right," Ant said gesturing to the chambers in front of them, "You'll both be locked inside one of these vaults, inside these vaults are five safes, six in yours, Y/N, as you've got to get Lando his meal for tonight,"

"No pressure then," Y/N laughed, nudging her elbow into Lando's side, causing him to giggle and squirm out of the way.

"No pressure," Ant continued, "each safe contains a star which is one meal for camp. You'll need to open the safe with a code which is in the other chamber, and vice versa. Once you get a star you must place it in your bag otherwise it won't count. You've got ten minutes" Ant had a small smirk on his face as he saw the expressions that the two celebrities in front of him were displaying, Y/N seemed frightened out of her skin while Lando looked to be debating internally with himself as to whether or not he'd be able to do the trial.

"Now, we can't force you to partake. At any time you can shout I'm a Celebrity ... get me out of here and we will get you out, but that ends the trial for both you and your partner and any further stars will be lost." Dec explained, "Are you ready?" At their affirmative nods, some staff came out and helped them get into the chambers, providing them with their bags and goggles before locking them in. A claxon sounded and they began their trial.

"Alright, it's 15 right," Lando waited for Y/N's noise of confirmation before continuing, "oh my god, nice snake. It's okay. 35 left ... 10 right ... 45 left." A sigh of relief escaped him as he heard the locks clicking into place, a shout of joy followed shortly afterwards as Y/N pocketed their first star of the trial. As time ticked away they collected more and more stars, Lando had been able to ignore the snakes for much of the trial as he kept telling himself that the show wouldn't put him in danger with the animals used, the same couldn't be said for Y/N. Lando could hear her shrieks and screams as the snakes got too close for her liking, a few giggles escaped him as he could only imagine what her face must've looked like.

"That's time! Let's get you out of there" Dec shouted causing the staff to come out and help get Lando and Y/N out of the chambers, "Nine stars!" the duo cheered, happy that they would be able to provide dinner for their campmates that night. "Head back to camp now and reveal the good news." Lando and Y/N promptly left the vicinity and it didn't take long to arrive back to the others.

"I'm back! We got nine stars!" Y/N shouted as she entered the campground, her campmatres erupted into cheers, "And I've brought a friend!" The other celebrities were gathered around the fire, talking to each other and becoming friends as they could be stuck with each other for the next three weeks. Lando followed in after her, "Hi, I'm Lando Norris." He swayed side to side on the balls of his feet, unsure of what to actually do. Vernon Kay was the first to jump to feet and welcome him by enveloping him in a hug which prompted the others to do so as well as Y/N stood by his side, giving his shoulder the occasional rub.

"I actually don't think I'm familiar with you?" Victoria Derbyshire asked hesitantly, unsure if she'd offend him by not recognising him.

"I'm a Formula 1 driver with McLaren." Lando replied taking a seat between Y/N and Mo Farah on the log. Once he had said this, Vernon clicked his fingers as though he had stumbled upon a relvation, "That's were I recognised you from. I went to the British Grand Prix in 2019 – mega drive mate!" A smile appeared on Lando's face as he realised he would now have someone to talk to about F1.

"I'm not too familiar with Formula 1," Y/N said, a few other campmates nodding in agreement. Lando could understand this as he wasn't familiar with much outside of gaming or racing. "That's alright, I'm not familiar with much outside of it. My life revolves around it."

"That's sick like, you must be travelling everywhere." AJ popped up from across the campfire. It seemed as though all of the attention was now focused on Lando as he talked about this racing life.

"Yeah, I had to come straight here from a seat fit at the MTC," at their confused facial expressions Lando further explained, "Our car seats have to be, basically moulded to our bodies so that they fit us correctly." A few nodded in understanding, "Last season was hectic, I was only in the country for around 1 week a month before flying off somewhere for a race." Back and forth, the campmates familiarised themselves with each other and Lando began to relax as he laughed along with his fellow co-stars. He felt himself jump slightly as something lay down on his shoulder, turning his head slightly, he found Y/N resting her head there. If he was being honest he was somewhat freaked out, he wasn't sure what to do, but judging by the looks that AJ was giving him it was best to leave her as she was and soon enough Lando found himself resting his head on top of hers.


Hasn't this been an age and a half? Lmao. Uni's been ... well uni and I work in a care home so that's basically become a full time job now bc covid and I am exhausted! (thus updates have been majorly lacking)

 well uni and I work in a care home so that's basically become a full time job now bc covid and I am exhausted! (thus updates have been majorly lacking)

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