Jimmy Kimmel [Max Verstappen]

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"And now we have a special guest, he's an race winning Formula 1 driver-" Jimmy Kimmel tapped his cue cards on his desk to straighten them out and ensure they were even, "-ladies and gentlemen Max Verstappen."

The elevator door opened to reveal Max Verstappen who walks out wearing a formal shirt and some black jeans which he paired with a pair of dress shoes, he offered a wave to the audience who cheer as he saunters across the stage to greet Jimmy and shake his hand taking a seat in the chair beside his desk.

Jimmy starts right of the bat by asking Max if he's doing good, to which Max replies with a smile on his face that is most certainly is well. Jimmy follows it up with another question. "I'm a big fan of Formula 1, been to the American Grand Prix every year. The new season is starting in a few weeks and well, how was testing? Faster than the Mercedes?"

"Really pleased with the car but I think the Mercedes will still be faster on the straights, they were looking that way in Barcelona but there's not much to say other than we'll see in Melbourne."

As if realising that Formula 1 was still growing in America and wasn't as popular as other motorsports in the States yet, Jimmy clicked his fingers and turned to the audience, "Obviously Formula 1 goes racing all over the world, but where is your favourite place to race?"

"I mean most of the circuits are good but my favourite ... probably my home race so Spa in Belgium." Max said with a shake of his head and shrug of his shoulders as if he too was just coming to the conclusion that Spa was his favourite circuit.

"So, you live in Belgium?" Jimmy was about to continue but stopped short when he saw Max shake his head and indicated for Max to speak, "No, so I grew up is Hasselt in Belgium but I live in Monaco which is where most of the drivers actually live, either there or Switzerland."

"Ooh ... I love Monaco, you know my parents once went to Nice in the South of France for a Holiday and as you know Monaco is very small, they crossed the border without even knowing. It was mental!" Jimmy said beginning a tangent of how different Europe was to America. "It's just ... crazy that you can cross several borders of different countries and you aren't stopped with the exception of tolls. Anyway, back to you Max. Talk to Brazil 2018."

"Not much to say. My race was ruined but I'm over it now. I won the 2019 Brazilian Grand Prix."

"Not at all spiteful."

"No, I'm not. I can look back and laugh now. I take it as karma because in 2001, my dad took out the race leader, so it had to happen to me."

"Yes, your dad, Jos Verstappen, was a Formula 1 driver. Not as successful as you but being in Formula 1 is serious competition." Max nodded in agreement and Jimmy realising that Max wasn't going to expand on the topic unless prompted, quickly changed the topic of the conversation, "So earlier this week, you actually took me for a lap of the Circuit of the Americas. Let's watch that shall we?" The audience cheered as the video began to play. The video began with a quick introduction to both Jimmy and Max with Jimmy explaining that he'd be asking some quick questions as the lap progressed.

"You ready?" Jimmy asked, Max revved the engine and Jimmy began to count down from 3 but before he could get to 1, Max had already taken off out of the Pit lane. "Oh my god! Right favourite driver?"

"Daniel Ricciardo"

"Favourite artist?"

"What like paint or music?" Max asked as he drove up the incline of turn one and onto turn 2.


"Oh ... Martin Garrix. I like him and he's Dutch."

"How many push ups can you do?" Max gave Jimmy a questionable glance but answered anyway.


"What do you do in the off-season?"

"Race on the simulator." Max continued round the track, gaining speed and taking sharp turns as if this was a real race and he was fighting for the win so much so that Jimmy stopped asking questions so that he could hold onto the handles above the door and hold on for dear life as Max weaved through the S's. Jimmy laughed and squealed but then sighed with relief as Max entered the pit lane and slowed to a stop in front of the Red Bull Garage.

"What an experience! Thank you, Max! Don't take it personally but I don't think I'll ever be doing that again." Max laughed and revved the engine as if to trick Jimmy into thinking he was going to go out for another lap, but Jimmy rapidly undid his seatbelt and jumped out of the car with a gasp, "You tricked me!"

" Max laughed and revved the engine as if to trick Jimmy into thinking he was going to go out for another lap, but Jimmy rapidly undid his seatbelt and jumped out of the car with a gasp, "You tricked me!"

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