Pregnant [Alex Albon]

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                    Your day had gone from worse to worse. You had been feeling sick for the past week and felt it was finally time to see a doctor about and so you'd booked an appointment with your GP who had confirmed the worse; you're pregnant. You had no problem with children and absolutely adored your niece, but your teaching career was just about to begin after finally landing a job that you were set to start in September and at the ripe age of 23, a child was not in your plan yet.

Tears dripped down your face as you left the health centre. There was nothing you could do about it now, but you feared Alex's reaction. His career had rocketed this year and now he was being promoted to the senior racing team at Red Bull Racing. He did not need a child holding him back. As you reached your flat which you shared with Alex in Milton Keynes your vision blurred as you thought – how were you going to tell him.

The past two months had been special as due to your job you weren't able to go to every race weekend and when you did you were usually held up with work to mark and lessons to plan, so when summer came you took full advantage to go to as many races as possible.

You'd never thought of having a baby this young but here you were walking into your flat with a doctor's note to confirm everything to him. He was the love of your life (that you were sure of), you loved everything about him, and his family loved you too. As you settled in the living room you began to plan out how you'd break the news to him as you knew he'd be on his way home from the factory which was located not too far away which didn't give you much time at all.

You cleaned yourself up as you didn't want Alex to find you a tearful mess in the living room and dragged yourself into the bathroom in an attempt to reduce the redness and puffiness around your eyes. You stopped suddenly when you heard keys jingle outside the front door and quickly through some water onto your face which you hoped would give him the illusion that you just washed your face with hot water (which would explain the redness).

"Y/N?" Alex called as he entered the flat. You walked out of the bathroom towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight. "Oh, ok. Are you ok?" He said somewhat confused as it was rarely you who initiated affection. You knew the minute you looked up that you wouldn't be able to hold back the tears, but you did so anyway and within seconds tears were brimming your eyes. Alex grasped your hands from around his back and brought them round to his front, just holding you tightly to his chest. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

You detached yourself from him and brought him over to the settee by his hand. You patted the area beside you for him to sit down. You took a deep breath. You knew it was now or never.

"I'm pregnant" you said whilst pulling on the long sleeves of your top that you wore that day. Alex did a double look before settling his gaze on the floor in front of him. You were lost for words, you thought he would at least say something. It was silent for five minutes before you spoke up. "Would you say something? Anything?"

"I thought you were on the pill?" Alex mumbled into his hands that had found their way to cover his face; from fear or disgust you didn't know but you prayed it was the first one rather than the latter.

"I've been travelling with you this Summer; I must have gotten the time zones mixed up." You responded. You stared at him as if daring him to say something, but he never did instead he stood up and walked out of the room leaving you to follow him. "Where are you going?"


"What do you mean 'Lando's'? You can't just walk away from this!" You shouted as he neared the front door. Alex turned to look back at you for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to the door, opening it and walking out. You stare continued to eye the door, flinching as it slammed shut. You retreated back to the bedroom you shared with Alex – you didn't know whether to cry or to scream in frustration. Evidently your mind did though as you began to shake uncontrollably and sob as you slide down the wall in the corner of your room.

You felt sick. This was not how you had predicted this evening to pan out.

It was an hour later when you decided to do something about it. You still occasionally shook and you had the hiccups but that didn't stop you from moving yourself from the floor of the bedroom into the spare room down the hall where you decided to reside until Alex wised up. Fixing yourself into the centre of the bed you grabbed the remote to the television (which you took from the bedroom you had shared together and had moved into your new room) and switched Netflix on; hoping to use this time to watch something to distract yourself.

It was nearing midnight when you heard the front door slam shut. You ignored your instinct to go see Alex and instead kept your ground and stayed in bed. "Y/N!" You could hear Alex call but you ignored his calls. You could hear door open and close in rapid succession as he searched the flat for you. "Y/N!" He called again, this time closer to you current occupancy. Just as you'd focused your gaze back on Netflix, the door swung open and Alex stood there. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw you. "I thought you left" he mumbled from the door, not daring to come any closer.

"I wasn't going to leave my clothes here" you replied still not looking at him. Alex stepped in front of the TV and switched it off, forcing you to look at him. It was quite possible that he looked worse than you did. His eyes were red and rubbed raw.

"I'm sorry, ok! I was just overwhelmed, and I didn't know what to do" he said sitting on the edge of the bed. You looked at him. "You made me feel like shit. I tell you that I'm pregnant and the first thing you do is run out the door"

"Lando beat the crap out of me when I told him"

"Rightly so"

"I am happy, you know. We will figure this out together" you smiled at him and he motioned for you to hug him; which you did so with ease. The two of you sat cuddled on the bed for a few more minutes before he began to move. "Let's go to bed?" You nodded and the two of you separated, he got up first and made a bee-line for the room while you sat on the bed patiently waiting to see how long it'd take him to notice.

"Y/N? Where's our TV?" he asked confusion evident in his voice.

"Y/N? Where's our TV?" he asked confusion evident in his voice

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