Labour [Sebastian Vettel]

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"My water's just broken."


It was the weekend of the British Grand Prix in Silverstone and you had travelled from Switzerland to be with Sebastian for the race, much to his dismay as you were 7 months pregnant but you thought that since it was such a short journey that you'd make the effort to come support your husband in person rather than through a TV. Throughout the entire pregnancy you'd been very calm as not only had the pregnancy been without any complications but in general it had been blissful in comparison to your first pregnancy. Sebastian, on the other hand, you'd assume was the one pregnant as he was as panic-stricken as you often were when he decided to be a daredevil on the track.

The race was starting in a few hours and so in the meantime, you and Sebastian had some free time to relax in his drivers' room before he had to go warm-up and get in the car. Being 7 months pregnant only made Sebastian more nurturing and you were worried he'd opt to become a house-husband at the rate he was going; don't get it wrong, you loved having Sebastian home but you also knew you wouldn't be able to survive having him home 24/7.

Currently, you were sat on the small settee located in his drivers' room, he was sat beside you rubbing his hand in circles on your pregnant stomach. It was relaxing as lately the baby had begun to kick more which was uncomfortable and sore. "Liebe," You turned to look at him, the discomfort evident on his face. He stroked your cheek and you leaned into his palm. "Only 2 more months."

"2 months too long. I swear, it's only been the past week and half that its been this much of a pain," You moaned, "I thought first trimester was the worse. They always say the third trimester is better."

"I'm no doctor but each pregnancy is bound to be different." He reasoned with a laugh and you returned it with a look of irritation. Just as he was about to continue, Britta entered the room to inform him that his trainer was here to start a warm-up. He nodded in understanding and made way to leave but not before turning back to you and giving you a kiss, "I'll see you after the race, love you."

"See you later, liebe. Good luck!" You said as he left with Britta to get ready. You stayed in his drivers' room until the start of the race when you went out to join Britta and the rest of the team in the paddock. In your opinion it was one of the best places to watch the race from. Sebastian got off to a good start given that he was starting from the third row in P6 and started to move up the positions as the race progressed, however that didn't last long and soon returned back to P6 after going too wide on a turn which enabled Max Verstappen to sneak past him. from then onwards the race was standard at best; Mercedes were leading which seemed to be the norm these days. It was on lap 36 that your heart nearly fell out of your chest. Sebastian had locked up on a turn and collided with Verstappen causing damage to his front wing thus resulting in him falling down in positions.

Even though you'd been assured that it wasn't a serious accident and only a bit of contact, your heart rate struggled to reduce and was still beating heavily. It wasn't until your hands fell onto your lap and noticed that your jeans were wet. That was your first clue. The second was when Britta turned to you and gasped. "Honey, I think your water's just broke." You gasped in fear. It was too early surely, you had 2 months to go. Panic began to set in as Britta rounded up the teams medic who confirmed your suspicions.

Turning to Britta he said, "Keep her calm, I'm going to ring an ambulance." Britta took your hand and ran her thumb back and forth along the back of it. She was making small talk as if that would distract you from the labour that you were about to go through, but you had half a mind to tell her to shut up. As the medic returned and informed you that one of the St John's Ambulance stationed at the Fan Zone was going to transport you to the hospital, you turned to Mattia Binotto who had been attracted to the hysteric scene taking place in his paddock.

"Don't tell Sebastian until the end of the race," You pleaded, both Mattia and Britta looked at you with bewildered looks.

"He could miss the birth! At this rate it won't be long." Britta said before Mattia began, "His car is damaged, we can retire him now." But you shook your head wildly. It may have been selfish of you, but you didn't want to ruin the chance of Sebastian gaining some championship points. The three of you argued quickly trying not to attract the attention of the cameras that floated between the paddocks; the last thing you needed was your labour broadcast for all to see. The next 30 minutes were a blur as you'd went from siting in the paddock to being transported via wheelchair to the ambulance which brought you and Britta to the nearest hospital; Northampton General Hospital. Within minutes of arriving at the hospital you'd been transferred to the maternity ward and a midwife was examining you.

Back at the track, a safety car was deployed and Mattia thought that's be the perfect time to get Sebastian to retire, turning to Sebastian's race engineer, Riccardo, he said, "Tell him to retire, I don't want to have an angry German curse me out for him missing the birth of his child." Riccardo nodded and radioed Sebastian to retire.

"What why? Why do I have to retire, my damage is minimal?" Loss for words, Riccardo turned to Mattia who then interrupted the radio to explain.

"Come in at the end of this lap, Y/N has gone into labour but don't worry Britta and her are on their way to the hospital."

"What!" Sebastian began to speed up and overtook the safety car speeding past all the over drivers. Once he arrived at the pitstop, he quickly undid his seatbelts and jumped out of the car. He raced into through the Ferrari paddock in order to get to the taxi that would transport him to the hospital. On his way past he overheard the commentary of Martin Brundle and Johnny Herbert describing the current scenes on the track and Sebastian's rapid escape.

"No word on Vettel overtaking the safety car but it seems that he's returned to the pitstop and has exited the car. We'll have to see what happened in the post-race interviews." Martin said.

Sebastian made a beeline for the maternity ward that Y/N was in, thanks to Britta for texting him the information. As he entered the room nurses swarmed him with sanitary equipment to ensure the cleanliness of the delivery room what kept up to standard.

"Sebastian Vettel, this is the last time I swear!" Y/N yelled in German. The staff surrounding her looked confused at they didn't speak the language but cracked a smile when they saw Sebastian laugh.

"That's what you said last time."

The labour lasted 3 hours. By that time Sebastian had heard from Mattia that he'd been disqualified even after the circumstances had been explained. But that didn't matter as Aeryn Elise Vettel was born and she was perfect. Y/N would have to remain in hospital for the next week as they had yet to discover the reason behind her high blood pressure; whether it was related to the pregnancy at all, and Aeryn would have to remain in the neo-natal ward for a few weeks until she was at a stage of development were she would be able to travel home to Switzerland.

As Sebastian returned back to the hotel later that night after visiting hours were finished, he stumbled across the rest of the drivers, evidently coming home after at night out at the Amber Lounge.

"Sebastian! My man!" Lewis said, "Congratulations! At first I was super annoyed to see you overtaking on the safety car but after the race Toto told me the real reason." The other drivers congratulated him as well and asked how Y/N and the baby were.

"She's exhausted but well and Aeryn is perfect."


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