Comfort [Alex Albon]

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Y/N's eyes were glued to the television as she watched the Austrian Grand Prix. She was a bit upset that she couldn't join him, but with the current global climate Y/N knew that it wasn't possible. Although that didn't stop her from avidly watching the weekend. "YES!" She cheered as Alex began to make his move on Lewis Hamilton, but that happiness quickly dissipated as Alex was spun off the track by Lewis' Mercedes, "No! No, no no!" She held her head in her hands. He was on a winning path and it's over. Y/N watched the rest of the race, a bit subdued now that Alex was in last position and even more upset when he had to retire.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked as soon as Alex answered his phone. It had been a tough day at the Austrian Grand Prix and Y/N had never wished the Coronavirus hadn't existed more than in that moment, after watching the collision between Alex and Lewis Hamilton and then Alex's post-race interview, all she wanted to do was hug him. Y/N's heart broke when she watched Alex through the screen as he talked about his race.

"I mean," He took a breath, "I'm so annoyed." He paused, his mouth opened and closed multiple times as if he was trying to find the right words to describe his thoughts. "I thought I could've won this ... or at least get a podium."

"Your time will come!" Y/N told him, getting closer to the camera and nodding frantically, Alex let out a sigh and nodded begrudgingly.

It was quiet for a few moments, it wasn't an awkward silence or anything more so a silence to allow the two of them to come to grips with their emotions, but then Alex spoke again, "We had the perfect strategy, I'd just pitted for new tyres – and then I blew it all because I was stupid." Y/N's mouth fell open. She couldn't believe how hard he was being on himself, all because he made a mistake which just about every other driver has made at least once in their career.

"Alex listen to me," when she saw that he was still distracted by his thoughts she called for him again, "listen! You're not stupid, everyone makes mistakes like that." The two conversed for nearly an additional thirty minutes until Alex was called to attend a debrief with his engineers. Y/N knew it'd be hard for him as all Alex wanted was to move on from weekend and work towards the next race which would hopefully allow him to redeem himself. Numerous times as Y/N was scrolling through Instagram did she burst out into a fit of laughter. The fans really could come up with some hilarious memes about Alex and Lewis, and Y/N was thoroughly enjoying them, so much so that she sent some to Alex, it had completely slipped her mind that he was in the middle of a meeting.

Settling down in her bed, Y/N was about to message Alex goodnight when he beat her to it and phoned her. "Hi babe." She smiled. Rain or shine, talking to Alex could guarantee a smile on her face.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Alex didn't beat around the bush, he didn't sound angry, in fact, he was more so amused than anything else. Y/N wasn't sure what he meant which Alex gathered and continued, "You sent me all those memes ... I was in my debrief and my phone wouldn't stop vibrating." Y/N slapped her hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter, Alex's debrief hadn't even crossed her mind when she sent those photos. "You're lucky the guys found them hilarious."

"That's good. I'll keep them coming."

"It was the little pick me up we needed." He admitted, "It kept vibrating and then Christian asked me what it was and lo-and-behold, it's you." A ghost of a smile appeared involuntarily on Y/N's face.

"I'mglad I could be of assistance."


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