Sim Driving [Charles Leclerc]

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Being a Formula 1 driver Charles had seen many things, but what he had never seen before was Y/N sat in his simulator playing with the steering wheel, "Y/N?" he asked in mild confusion, "what are you doing?" Y/N's head whipped round, eyes wide as she caught sight of Charles standing in the doorway of his sim room.

"Hi," she murmured waving shyly at him, a smile erupted on his face as he dropped his bag and walked towards her with his hands on his hips. He rested his hands on the head rest of the simulator chair causing Y/N to bend her head back so she could see him.

"What on earth are you doing?" He had a teasing smile on his face as he admired hers.

"I'm just wondering why you seem to find this so addictive," She smiled before reaching her arms up to wrap around his neck and pull him towards her for a kiss which he gladly provided. Charles then bent around the machine, turning it on before giving Y/N a cheeky smile, "It would help if it was turned on." Y/N pulled a face of mock offense as if she couldn't believe that he had the audacity to say such a thing.

"It humours me that you think I would know how to do that."

Charles let out a bark of laughter, throwing his head back as he continued to set up his simulator, he then held his hand out to Y/N who stared at it before flickering her gaze upwards to his face, "Take my hand," He clarified. Still confused, Y/N placed her hand in Charles and stood up, only to have Charles take the seat.

"No, this better not be a ploy to just allow you to play!" She argued. Charles laughed loudly and shook his head, but made no action to move and vacate the simulator. He continued to set it up; selecting the car, track and then the car set up. Y/N stood beside him watching, tapping her foot so that he'd get the hint to move and let her have a go. However, Charles simply turned to look at her and then turned his attention back to the screens. It was a few minutes later that he finally acknowledged her again by tugging at her wrist until she fell into him.

"Charles!" She squealed in shock. He grabbed her waist and properly situated her on his lap. She stretched her legs out to reach for the pedals which she couldn't reach, but Charles could so she just balanced her legs atop of his. She placed her hands on the steering leading Charles to cover them with his own. "What track?" She asked. Her back was against his chest, her head positioned over his shoulder so that he could see the screen as well. "Monza" He said softly in her ear, an involuntary shiver came over her as her shoulders gently shook.

"Great memories there." She smiled leaning her head to the side so that she could see him as he did the same to her.

"The best." Charles said with a wide smile while leaning in to kiss her. Not only did Charles win the Italian Grand Prix there last year, but it was also where himself and Y/N became an official couple after talking for a few weeks.

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