Brothers [Lando Norris]

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"Lando stop it!" Y/N giggled as Lando pressed sweet, little kisses along her jaw and neck. It had become a habit of his to kiss her neck and shoulder and sometimes accidently leave a few marks there too. It didn't happen too often but sometimes the pair of you got too carried away and it wasn't just Lando leaving marks on Y/N, she too would leave marks along his chest and neck which he had a harder time covering up as he didn't own any make-up or a scarf that he could wrap around his neck.

With a lasting kiss Lando pulled away from her and stepped back, he had a guilty look upon his face which instantly made Y/N rush to the mirror in their hotel room to see what he'd left behind, "Lando! I'm meant to be meeting Charles and Arthur in an hour!" She moaned dragging her fingers through her hair. In the month that Y/N and Lando had been dating, they hadn't gotten round to telling anyone about their relationship. It was a new experience for the both of them and they just wanted to enjoy it together before the fans and media got involved.

"What, oh shit" He said covering his face with his hands, "You didn't tell me that!" He leaned back and looked up, letting out an exasperated sigh, "Right, wear a turtle neck or ... or a scarf." He suggested while looking through her suitcase which lay unpacked on the floor of their hotel room.

"We're in the South of France in June. I didn't pack any of those ... I'll just cover them with my hair." She shrugged nonchalantly while straightening her top and then ruffling her hair, turning to look in the mirror to ensure that the marks weren't visible. She knew that it wouldn't bother Charles or Arthur that she was in a relationship, but she didn't want the reason that they found out to be because of hickeys on her neck. "Right I'm away here, I'll be back in an hour or so." Y/N grabbed her handbag and rushed out the door, she'd received a message from Arthur nearly five minutes ago that they were waiting downstairs at the reception. They were staying in the same hotel so it was convenient for all the Leclercs.

"Y/N!" Charles called as she exited the lift, her eyes wondered across the reception before she spotted the two standing near the door and with a bright smile she happily ran over to them, enveloping them in a tight hug. It had been nearly 2 months since she'd seen the two, what with them racing in a different country nearly every weekend and with Y/N's internship in London; she didn't have much spare time to travel home to visit, but her work had granted her some time off to go to the French Grand Prix and the added bonus – she could visit the rest of her family in Monaco before having to return to London. Together they journeyed down the street before eventually settling on a small, covert café just off the street, it was ideal as they could eat and talk without much interruption.

When their food finally arrived, Y/N couldn't wait to dig in and subconsciously she flicked her hair over her shoulder and out of face and took a large bite out of her panini. Munching away though she noticed that Charles and Arthur had yet to touch their food, she glanced up from her food, they were staring at her with wide eyes.

"I knew it!" Arthur exclaimed, "I told you, you owe me €10!" He held his hand out expectantly and Charles slapped the money into his palm. Y/N was bewildered, beyond confused as she stared at them, sandwich half way towards her mouth for another bite. "Who you dating then, Y/N?"

Charles hit his brother across the back of his head, "She doesn't have to be dating them," He turned his attention back to his little sister, "Are you though?"

"What? What are you going on about?" Her voice got uncontrollably higher as the sentence progressed.

"The hickeys on your neck are a dead give-away." Arthur muttered with a smirk. Y/N's eyes grew wider and she touched her neck where Lando had been peppering kisses all morning, she winced at the slight sting as she pressed against the fresh hickey. Lando would definitely be dead when she returned back to the hotel: if her brothers didn't kill him, she definitely would. "So who is it?"

"No one,"

"Well, obviously it is someone or else your neck wouldn't be stained black and blue." Charles retorted with a small smirk. Y/N chose to ignore their comments are carried on eating her lunch which prompted the two boys to do the same. It seemed that Charles caught on that Y/N wasn't going to divulge anything and to sooth the annoyance towards them, he bought their lunch as a treat before walking back to the hotel.

"What room are you?" Arthur asked.

"Why do you want to know? Hope you're not planning a knock-door-run?" Y/N laughed as they entered the elevator, she pressed the button for the third floor. She was so distracted by their conversation that she hadn't noticed that she'd led them to her hotel door, "I'll see you tomorrow then at the circuit?" She suggested, hoping they'd get the hint and leave. The last thing she needed was for them to find Lando. She knew that they wouldn't object to their relationship, more so the fact that they'd probably be hurt that she didn't tell them sooner. 

"Why don't we come in-" Arthur's question was interrupted as Y/N's hotel door opened and Lando appeared. His eyes widened at he took in the scene before him. "Lando? What are you doing in Y/N's room?" His eyes flickered between the two, "You and Lando? You and Lando!"

"Lando and I" Y/N confirmed. She saw no point in denying it. It was too obvious at this point.

"Well,this is an interesting turn of events." Charles nodded his head in mock-interestas he pulled his little sister in for a hug.

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