Simulator [Charles Leclerc]

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"As long as you go easy on me?" Y/N pleaded, her voice going a pitch higher to emphasise her plea, but Charles shook his head in definite, "No!" Y/N parted her lips in frustration before closing them and sticking her bottom lip out in an attempt to gain pity from him but all he did was laugh at her and gently flick her protruding lip, "Asshole." She muttered under her breath, "I'll be right back."

As soon as she was out of earshot Charles turned his focus to his camera, "Chat, quit it!" Charles spoke loudly as he read the comments he was receiving. They all seemed to think he was awful for being mean to Y/N, "I'm going to go easy on her! I just said that so that she'll think she won fair and square." He spoke lowly to as to not allow Y/N to hear him, just in time too as she entered the simulator room, drinks in hand and handed one to Charles, "let's get this show on the road! Three laps, best overall time." Charles began. He purposely gave himself a terrible start. It was Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, a circuit he should've been great at due to all the testing that occurs there, but alas, as Charles drove round the corners, he purposely missed the apex on a few and he went off track a few times, all in a bid to add extra time.

"Charles, you're not doing great." Y/N commented as she glanced at his timings. He was nearly finished his third and final lap and his time was currently over 4 minutes. Finally, he crossed the line with a time of four minutes and 12 seconds. "I hope that's not how you drive in real life?" He looked at her questionably with a perked eyebrow, "because that was shit." His lips parted in shock at her comment, though from reading through his chat he could see that they all felt the same, but also enjoyed the funny dynamic nature of their relationship.

"Your turn."

"I'll show you how it's done."

Charles had to laugh at her. He intended to keep up with his charade until Y/N herself figured it out. Y/N waved her hand at him to hurry him along and hop out of the seat so that she could sit down, she had to adjust the seat quite a bit as she shorter than him and her feet just couldn't quite reach the pedals from his distance. Charles had to admit that he was somewhat shocked at Y/N's driving capability, obviously it wasn't F1 standard, but it decent and he was shocked at just how good her start was – it was as good as his when he was doing the virtual grand prix. She didn't get all the corners perfectly and very often she did run off track as she hadn't perfected her braking yet, but overall, Charles was pleasantly surprised. In comparison to his laps – hers were great and she finished with a time of 4 minutes and 4 seconds.

"Beat that!"

"You're actually quite good."

"Don't I know it!"

"Arrogance doesn't suit you, baby." Charles was leaning against his simulator seat watching her driving when he said this, he quickly kissed her cheek so that she wouldn't snap a reply to his comments. He knew she always got a bit flustered when he kissed her public and even though this was in the privacy of his apartment, 8,000 people were watching them live on his twitch channel. Charles wrapped up his stream, saying goodbye to his viewers and turning it off.

"I heard you, you know?"

"Heard what?"

"Saying you'd let me win." Y/N said standing up and stepping out of the simulator chair. She had a small smile on her face, she leaned her head against his muscled chest, basking in its warmth as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Only for you." He pressed a kiss to her hair, wrapping his arms around her to hold her impossibly closer as he rocked them side to side. Y/N leaned her head up enabled Charles to capture her lips with his as he kissed her.

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