Please, don't leave me [Daniel Ricciardo]

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                      It was a Sunday morning. The Sunday morning of the Australian Grand Prix and thus you knew it'd be impossible to get a hold of Daniel as he'd already be at the Albert Park Circuit preparing for the race. You had told him that you'd try to make it to race as it was his home race and the first of the season but after the busy and stressful night you'd had at the hospital as one of the Accident and Emergency Nurses, you didn't even think you'd be able to stay awake long enough to watch the race. Add to the fact that you had another night shift to do later and there was no hope.

After ringing Daniel for the 5th time but to no avail you decided to leave a voicemail, "Hey honey. I'm am literally dead on my feet, so I don't think I'll be able to make it to the race. I know your going to be disappointed, but I have another shift tonight and I need to be well rested for it. I'm sorry. I know you'll be great so don't worry about the race. Be safe, love you." You finished the voicemail and sent it to him. While Daniel may seem like a real happy-go-lucky person to the media, you knew that he'd be upset that you couldn't make it, but you hoped it wouldn't affect his race.

When you arrived home, it seemed like Daniel had been in a rush to leave this morning as the home that the two of you shared together was a tip. There were dishes lining up the sides of the sink and the washing machine was still full of the clothes that you'd put in last night. You didn't even want to check what the bedroom looked like. It was these simple household cleanliness habits that Daniel simply forgot (read: never) to do, and it made your blood boil as the last thing that you wanted to do when you'd just finished a 12 hour shift was clean. Sprinting around the house, you emptied the washing machine and hung the clothes out to dry, washed and dried the dishes and then ventured into your shared bedroom to make the bed. At this point, you had come to the conclusion that Daniel was sleeping in the spare room that night. There was no way in hell was he going to get away with leaving the house in that state.

You took a quick power nap as you wanted to be able to watch at least some of the race from the living room TV. It was half-way through the race when your eyes became heavier and you drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

You were abruptly woken by the loud slam of the front door and heavy footsteps approaching the living room; Daniel. You got up to welcome him and congratulate him on the race; even though you weren't aware of his position you would be proud regardless. "Congratulations honey" you smiled and approached him for a hug, but he stepped out of the way.

"Congratulations? Y/N I came P7."

"I'm proud of you regardless." Daniel gave a sarcastic nod and raise of his eyebrows before moving into the kitchen, you following behind him. "What's the matter?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that my girlfriend said she'd be at my home race but instead she ditches it for a nap." Your jaw dropped. You hated how irrational Daniel could be sometimes.

"Ditched it? I had just finished a 12 hour shift! I was in no position to attend a race." It was quiet while Daniel grabbed a glass and filled it up with water, he turned and leaned against the counter staring at you.

"I was relying on you being there," Daniel said quietly, as you stared at him you could see how sad and disappointed he was. "you told me you'd be there and when I didn't hear anything, I was so worried in case something had happened to you." You opened your mouth to say something, but Daniel continued, "I couldn't focus. P7 at my home race!" He said fisting his hands into his hair in frustration. You moved to closer to him, "I left you a voicemail."

His head snapped towards you, "I didn't get a voicemail." You walked into the living room and grabbed your phone to check the voicemail that you supposedly didn't send to Daniel and when you opened you phone log, you could see that the voicemail didn't send. Turning to Daniel you told him with a sigh that it didn't send.

"I wish I was there, but I was no in shape to attend," you mumbled, pulling him in for a hug. You lay your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist tightly.

"I don't see why you don't travel with me. I could get you a job with the FIA medical team!" He said. You pulled you head away from and held him at arms-length. "My passion is in a hospital with my team, just like your passion is with your team, and ... and if you can't accept that I won't be able to attend every race or travel around with you well then maybe we need to rethink this relationship."

"No. No. Please don't leave me." Daniel mumbled into your hair as he pulled you into his chest. "How would I survive without you? You are one of the only constant things in my life and I need you." He peppered kisses over your face, and you giggled as they tickled. When Daniel was like this you couldn't help but smile as you loved him when he was in a high-like state and full of love. He lifted you up so that he could sit you on the breakfast bar and stand between your legs. He rested his hands on your knees and stared at you, noses almost touching. "I love you, Princess."

"Let's go for a nap. I need to be energised for my shift later," You smiled. Daniel carried you to the bedroom and settled down beside you, pulling you closer until you lay your head on his chest. you listened to his steady heartbeat, lulling you into a deep slumber.

 you listened to his steady heartbeat, lulling you into a deep slumber

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