Break Up [Lando Norris]

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"There. Done it." Y/N said tossing her phone away from her as if to pretend she had not just blocked her now ex-boyfriend. She leaned her head back and let out an exasperated sigh. Truly, she had not wanted to break up with Lando, but she was sick of his lies and how he ignored her all the time. When he asked her out nearly 4 months ago, they couldn't get enough of each other – always spending time together, but in the last month it was almost as if something had switched in Lando. Once upon a time when he was playing games or streaming, he'd invite Y/N to join him, but now, it was as if Y/N wasn't there anymore. The final straw was when Y/N had planned a cute, little afternoon where they'd go a for walk and then have a picnic in the park. The weather was perfect for it, but the day before Lando had broke the news that he was needed at the MTC the next day to prepare for the next Grand Prix in France. At first, Y/N was upset, but she knew how important racing was to him and she'd always be his number one supporter. However, that day (when Lando said he was too busy) Y/N viewed Max Fewtrell's Instagram story only to find that him and Lando were golfing.

In Y/N moment of blind anger, she screenshotted the story and send it to Lando over Instagram DM. it wasn't her finest moment and looking back, she would have much more preferred to speak to him in person.

Nearly 5 hours passed, and he still hadn't responded to her, so she resorted to simply messaging him that it was over

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Nearly 5 hours passed, and he still hadn't responded to her, so she resorted to simply messaging him that it was over. Y/N was angry. Max's story had since been deleted so Y/N knew that Lando must've known he was in the wrong or he wouldn't have bothered.

"You'll be better for it," Y/N best friend told her from where she was seated beside her on the bed, "You didn't deserve what he was doing to you

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"You'll be better for it," Y/N best friend told her from where she was seated beside her on the bed, "You didn't deserve what he was doing to you." Y/N nodded her head silently, though she herself was doubting her actions, but it was too late now.

Three weeks had passed. Y/N was meant to be travelling with Lando to the British Grand Prix this weekend, but obviously that wouldn't be happening. She hadn't heard from him since, but her best friend, Emma, had. Lando had messaged her on every social media platform he could think of, but it was unsuccessful, Emma wasn't letting him speak to her, however she was passing on every message he'd sent and Y/N couldn't lie – her heart did slightly flutter every time Emma said that Lando had contacted her again, but only slightly. "Right, Y/N, talk to him. I am sick of him blowing up my phone everyday in the hope that I'll let him talk to you." Emma burst into her room, slamming the door open so hard it hit off the wall. She held her phone out to Y/N, shaking it, urging her to grab onto it. Cautiously, Y/N took the phone. A gasp escaped her. She wasn't aware that Lando was on the other side of the phone.

"Y/N? Y/N?" Lando spoke through the phone, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Y/N was speechless, she truly did not know what to say. "I know nothing I say will make up for what I put you through, I was ignorant and stupid, and I'll never do anything like that ever again." He rambled and rambled. So much so that Y/N had to put a stop to it before he lost his voice.


"I didn't realise how much I missed your voice," He mumbled. She could picture him as he said that. The way he'd hold the phone to his head and how he'd speak lowly into the microphone, all while leaning against his other hand.

"It's better if we discuss this in person, I don't want to do this over the phone. I'll be over in 20 minutes" Y/N spoke quietly.

"No need, I'm outside your house." Y/N's eyes went wide, and she ran her fingers through her hair. She was not prepared to see him. She was dressed in a hoodie and jogging bottoms, defiantly not clothes suitable to see your ex-boyfriend in. "Don't overthink it, Y/N. Come as you are." Y/N hung up and stared at Emma.

"Go!" Y/N raced downstairs and threw the front door open, and sure enough, there was Lando waiting there for her. They stared at each other momentarily. All the emotions that Y/N had previously shut away in the past 3 weeks came tumbling back, more powerful than ever before. She had missed him. And it seemed that Lando had missed her too as he wasted no time in wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in close to his chest. Y/N tucked her head into his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist as they swayed back and forth, enjoying each other's presence.

"Never again." Y/N whispered, glancing up at him through her eyelashes. She felt Lando nod against her head.

"Never again."


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