Forgiveness [Charles Leclerc]

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Y/N had been looking forward to tonight since she'd organised it with Charles the previous week, it was a change of scenery to the usual date night as Y/N was cooking them a meal in her apartment. Y/N had scoured the internet looking for a suitable recipe before deciding to just phone her mum and get the recipe for her favourite childhood dish: Spaghetti Bolognese. Y/N had alternated between getting ready and cooking dinner which left her to only change her outfit while the pasta was finishing cooking and gave her ten minutes to spare to quickly blitz around the apartment to give it a quick clean before Charles would arrive.

When six o'clock finally rolled round, Y/N waited patiently in the kitchen keeping an eye on the food and listening out for the knock on the door, but by 18:15 there was still no sign of Charles. With furrowed eyebrows, Y/N checked her phone to see if he'd messaged her, but no he'd not contacted her. Putting it down to him just running late, Y/N dished out the food and put them in the oven to keep them warm so that she'd be able to clean the kitchen – it'd save them time after dinner.

Y/N reckoned that the kitchen was cleaner than when she moved in, she'd washed, dried and put away all the dishes, and cleaned all the counter-tops, all while managing to keep her blouse dry (which was a feat in itself). Glancing at the clock she saw that it was nearly quarter past seven. This was ridiculous. Surely it wasn't too hard to simply text her to tell her that he'd be late. Y/N's mind raced with questions and queries; 'Where was Charles? Did I tell him the correct time?'. Y/N text him again and rang him twice more, but still no answer. She was beginning to worry now, 'What if something's happened to him?'.

Finally giving up on him showing up, Y/N slipped out of her heels, trudged to the bathroom and began to remove her makeup, her mascara had already been smudged due to the tears that had gathered up in her eyes. Y/N knew that this wasn't something to get so worked up over, but Charles had been so busy lately, what with the season beginning at Austria in a few weeks, he was either training, streaming virtual races or in meetings with Ferrari. She should've been used to it by now; it'd been this way for months since the start of the quarantine period, but Y/N had planned this night weeks in advance because she knew how busy Charles could be.

In the midst of removing her make-up, Y/N slid down the wall and sat on the cold tiled floor, her body shook with sobs as tears strolled down her face, she jumped slightly when the tone of her phone rang out through the bathroom: Charles. She ignored his call. He rang again; once, twice, thrice. Y/N ignored all 3, she didn't want to talk to him right now, but at the knock of her apartment door Y/N's eyes widened in shock. A quick glance at her phone told her it was nearly 8 o'clock. She wiped her eyes and splashed some water on her face to try and hide the fact that she'd been crying. The knocking continued and Y/N sped up to answer, she hoped none of her neighbours would complain, a quick look in the mirror to make sure that it wasn't too obvious how upset she'd been, and Y/N opened the door slightly.

She knew it'd be Charles, "Y/N, I'm sor-" She didn't let him finish before she tried to close the door in his face, but having obviously thought that she'd do that, he blocked the door from closing by putting his foot between the door and its frame. "Let me explain."

"What's there to explain? You forgot!" She shouted at him. Y/N eased off the door allowing Charles to move into the apartment and close the door behind him. "I've haven't had any time to see you over the past month."

"I'm sorry. I don't have an excuse. I lost track of time while I was streaming." Charles admitted, he had a frown present on his face and his lips wavered as if he was trying to stop himself from getting too upset. "I don't want to fight with you, ever. You deserve someone better." Y/N's gaze snapped to his face, eyes wide and fiercely shaking her head in objection.

"No, don't say that. I love you." Y/N moved closer to him and grabbed his hands to intertwine their fingers, she moved one hand to caress his cheek. "I don't want to lose you." Charles held her against his chest while he placed a kiss on her forehead. He shuffled over to the settee, Y/N still in his arms, and sat down pulling her onto his lap and cuddling her closer.

"I'll make it up to you. I'm sorry." He tilted her head in his direction, a small smile evident on his face as he used his thumbs to wipes away the tear tracks that had appeared during their confrontation minutes prior. His hand moved to her hair, gently playing with it, careful not to tug on any tangles. Y/N could feel his hot breath fan her face, his lips brushed over hers before their lips finally connected. Charles wrapped his arm around her waist and altered her position so that she was straddling his thighs. Charles' tongue swept across her lip and Y/N parted her lips further, her hands tugged at the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck, her lips tingled when they finally parted moments later. Y/N swept her tongue across her own lips, a small smile appearing on her face.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising." Y/N rolled her eyes, "Hungry? Food is still in the oven." A grumble erupted from Charles stomach answering their questions and with a laugh, Y/N clambered off his lap to serve their dinner.

" A grumble erupted from Charles stomach answering their questions and with a laugh, Y/N clambered off his lap to serve their dinner

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