Paint [George Russell]

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George awoke to the feeling of soft, low breaths on his abdomen. He slowly squinted through his eyes and shifted slightly when he felt a slight ticklish feeling, the feeling of small strokes on his stomach. Through his squinted eyes, he saw Y/N sat on her knees leaning over his abdomen, one hand used to stabilise her makeshift canvas and in her other hand, a small brush which occasionally dipped into the paint on the pallet which lay beside her on the bed.

"What are you doing?" George questioned as he raised one arm to stretch but a quick slap to his chest caused him to lower it.

"Don't move. You'll make me make a mistake." Y/N whispered, her gaze never left his stomach as she focused on her painting, dipping her paint brush into the paint once more. Goosebumps covered his skin as her brush created small, gentle strokes on his stomach.

"Why are you painting me?" George asked raising his head to watch her, "Run out of canvases?"

"You know I'll take any excuse to feel your abs." Y/N smirked before lightly kissing around her work. George let out a laugh at her remark, but it fell short when he received another quick slap to his chest, "No movements. I'm putting this on Instagram."

"No!" George protested.

"Yes! What's one more shirtless picture going to do?" Y/N giggled, "I'll only post it if I like the way it turns out." Y/N kissed his stomach once more, then again and again, before focusing on her work once again. A light blush appeared on George's cheeks as he settled his head back down on his pillow.

As Y/N continued her work all George could do was stare at her as her hands moved like clockwork creating small paint strokes, moving lightly across his stomach. A smile appeared across his face as he admired her; her face, the way her hair was tied at the nape of neck, her hands. George and Y/N had been going out for just over 3 months and were definitely still in the honeymoon stage. George reached his arm out to drum along her thigh, but it was quickly stopped when Y/N grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"No drumming." She warned.

"Ok." He relented, "What are you painting?"

"Your car." George's eyebrows raised in surprise and he raised his head to look at her.

"Really? Class. Take a picture when you're done." Y/N let out a humph at the thought that she'd go to all this trouble to not get a photo of her finished work. "How long have you been doing this for?"

"About 3 hours?" She guessed, George gasped lightly, "And I didn't wake up? I thought I was quite a light sleeper." Y/N simply raised an eyebrow in his direction before continuing her work. The room was silent for the next half an hour as Y/N continued her work and George simply watched her with admiration until she finally put her brush down. "Done?" George asked.

"Done." She confirmed, "But don't move; it needs to dry." She placed a firm hand on his chest to ensure that he didn't attempt to get up. Y/N stood up on the bed to walk across it and grab her phone. "Pose for me." George lay back with his arms behind his head and stared up at the camera above him as Y/N stood with feet either side of his body to get a suitable angle. Once the photo was taken, Y/N leaned down a pressed a quick peck to his lips. "Let me post this to Instagram." Y/N lay down beside George, laying her head on her shoulder and cuddling into his side without smudging her artwork.

"It's beautiful." George said once Y/N showed him her picture.

" George said once Y/N showed him her picture

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