Preferences [Daniel Ricciardo]

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How They Met

"Yeah, nah that's no bother," Y/N told her best friend over the phone, "I'll be there in 10 minutes." She dismissed any argument that Michelle might've thrown her way by ending the call and immediately running up the stairs to get ready. She had to hurry – Michelle was having a date night tonight with her husband and originally Daniel, Michelle's brother, was going to babysit their child, but his connecting flight got delayed from Singapore to Perth and so Y/N received a call from a desperate Michelle asking for her help which Y/n was happy to provide; she loved their son and often thought of them as her nephew.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Y/N shouted charging in through their front door, "Go, go, go!" She shooed them out the door as Michelle shouted instructions and well-wishes, and then finally Y/N was at peace with Thomas, her somewhat nephew. "Just you and me now, bud." She picked him up and held him on her hip. Even though the two year old loved walking and running, Y/N couldn't resist picking him up and cuddling him close to her. She glanced around the room, her eyes landing on the clock, it was nearly 7pm, ample time for a bath before bedtime. "Bath time," She told Thomas and started making her way up the stairs only to jump in shock as a knock rattled the front door. Y/N wasn't sure who to expect when she opened the door, but it certainly wasn't Daniel, bags in arms he stood opposite her with a wide smile on his face as he eyed his nephew. Thomas, upon recognising his uncle, made grabby hands towards him, eager to be held in his uncles arms.

"C'mere you," Daniel said grabbing Thomas out of Y/N's arms, "I missed you." He smothered him in kisses and squeezed him tightly to his chest.

"I was just about to bath him if you want to help?" Y/N offered. Truth be told, Y/N liked his smile and she'd do anything to see it again and again and again. Together, they headed upstairs to the bath that Y/N had drawn. Together they sat lent over the bath, watching as Thomas splashed the bubbles soaking Y/N and Daniel in the process.

First Fight

"I'm sick of this Daniel, I miss you!" Y/N said through the phone as she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to cure her anxiousness.

"I know, I miss you too-"

"I doesn't seem like it! I never see you anymore."

"I live in Monaco, we knew going into this that long distance would be difficult." He tried to reason with her. It wasn't the first time that Daniel hadn't been able to visit. He tried to visit as often as he could, but recently with the move to McLaren he hadn't been able to travel back to Perth this month and with Y/N being a nurse, she worked shift work and couldn't guarantee a weekend that she'd be able to visit.

"That's never stopped you before!" She shouted, "I-I I miss you," she murmured, a lone tear flowed down her face, "I'll see you ... when I see you, I guess,"

"Y/N, wait – please," Daniel started but was cut off by the dial tones. She'd hung up. "I love you" He whispered.

Not 48 hours later, was Daniel back in Perth stood outside Y/N's house flowers in hand, ready to beg for her forgiveness. He knew he should've made the move to visit earlier, but he was telling the truth in that he was flooded with work, though he had managed to wrap it up and get the next flight out from Nice.

"I'm sorry" was the first thing Daniel said as soon as she opened the door, she was dressed in her work uniform and Daniel sincerely hoped she had just returned and wasn't leaving.

"Daniel? Wha-what are you doing here?" She stuttered out a response. She was in shock at seeing her boyfriend here when just a few days previous he'd told her he couldn't visit.

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