Gym [Charles Leclerc]

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There were only a few people milling around the gym which Y/N was pleased about as she didn't want to attempt to work out with lots of people watching, in case she did it incorrectly. She wasn't someone to regularly use the gym as she preferred to go for a run or do work outs at home. Y/N made a beeline for the treadmill and quickly got to work beginning with a gentle jog and then progressing faster and faster. She had decided against using her Air Pods, having left them at home, as the gym was already playing music, but now she wished that she had brought them with her. She could hear people around her, which wasn't usually a bad thing, but they were talking about her.

"Wouldn't mind having her in my bed." One mumbled.

"Aye, look at that ass."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and looked sideways, but ignored their comments, hoping that they'd go away or stop, but they did no such thing. Their comments continued to ring through Y/N's ears, and she hoped that one of the gym employees that were conducting personal trainer classes would interfere and stop them. However, much to Y/N's dismay, no one else seemed to notice and if they did, they saw no reason to stop it. Y/N tried to block it all out and focused on the treadmill, watching as her distance increased.

"Hey, sweet thing." Y/N turned her head sharply to focus on the man who stood beside her leaning on the hand bars of the treadmill. He had an apparent smirk on his face and overall, he just screamed cocky. Something which Y/n wasn't fond of. "You single?" Y/N let out a huff of breath and ignored his question, not wanting to give him any further reason to continue talking to her. She could feel his eyes on her. "Hear that mate? This little lady's ignoring me." He called out to his friend as he approached them. Y/N tried not to panic. She wasn't one who liked confrontation and was definitely much more of a flighty person.

"He asked you a question, bit rude of you to ignore him." the friend commented. Y/N slowed her treadmill to a stop before hopping off and heading towards a different section of the gym where she found more people. She let of a sigh of relief as she entered a weight room, but that was short lived as the men followed her into the room as well and for good measure, one of the men hit her bum. Y/N let out a gasp, her hands flew to cover her bum as her cheeks lit up bright red in embarrassment. She quickly glanced around the room to see if anyone else noticed her predicament and thankfully, two men had and were fast approaching her.

"What do you think you're doing?" the raven haired man questioned standing behind Y/N with the other man beside him. Y/N's assailant smiled coyly at the two, sneakily snatching Y/N's hand and pulling her closer to him, almost causing Y/N to trip over her own feet. She was terrified and she was positive that her face showed it.

"Just gymin' with my girlfriend."

"I find that hard to believe," The raven haired man stated, "especially since she's my girlfriend." Y/N turned her head slightly to see the man's reaction. Y/N didn't know who this man was, but his timing was impeccable. It was picture perfect. His eyes were wide with raised eyebrows and his mouth had dropped slightly, using his moment of distraction to her advantage, Y/N ripped her hand from his grasp and fell into the chest of her rescuer. The man wrapped his arms around her back and held her against his chest, "Hey, it's alright. They're gone." He pulled her away from his chest. Y/N eyes had welled up with tears and they began to slowly drip down her cheeks which were quickly wiped away by the man. "I'm Charles, this is Andrea and you?"

"Y/N" She mumbled clutching onto his arms, "I'm sorry for interrupting your workout."

"You don't need to apologise. As long as you're safe, that's all that matters." Charles told her with a faint smile. "You're not hurt, are you?"  Y/N shook her head.

"Is it alright if I stay here for a bit?" Y/N asked, and Charles nodded leading Y/N to a bench beside his for her sit down on. Once he made sure she was alright and comfortable, he moved back to his bench and continued his workout with Andrea. Y/N admired how his body moved, she usually only did cardio and was, therefore, rarely in this room. She appreciated all his help; she'd hate to think what would've happened had they not interrupted them.

"Y/N?" Charles called for her attention and she came back to reality. "We're wrapping up here." Y/N pursed her lips but nodded anyway and stood up to gather her belongings from the locker room. "Andrea and I are heading out for a small lunch, if you'd like to join us?" She let out a sigh of relief, she didn't want to be alone right not – especially in this area where those predators could be hiding anyway. She nodded enthusiastically, giving Charles a tight squeeze, but keeping her arm around his waist, him doing the same to her, as they found a café to enjoy lunch together.

"Thank you. I hate to think what would've happened had you not been there." Y/N admitted causing Charles to look up with a small smile.

"That's not something you need to think about, because I was there and you are safe."


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