I'm a Celeb Part II [Lando Norris]

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             It was a rather slow morning. Lando had been in the camp for 6 days now and the hunger was catching up on him. Rice and beans weren't doing much to sustain him until dinner time and he could tell that much of the campmates felt the same. He was sat beside Y/N at the look out point which gave views of the sea and green pastures that surrounded the castle, his hand held idly in Y/N's grasp as he ran his thumb across the back of hers.

"This is nice," Y/N said breaking his train of thought. He raised his gaze from their intertwined hands to her face where a faint smile was present, "I mean, it's so peaceful." Lando nodded in understanding, this was probably the most downtime he'd had since July. He wasn't sure what to do with himself – normally he'd be preparing for the new season, gaming or streaming, but being in camp with no interaction to the outside world was strange and nice at the same time. Lando was about to speak when a call from the main camp area interrupted him.

"Guys, we have a letter!" It didn't take long to round up the campers and soon enough Mo was reading the letter to them, "Dear Celebrities, today is a group challenge. Please make your way to the bushtucker trial clearing."

"We're all going?"

"Seems like it." Lando tightened his shoelaces and gathered his water bottle to bring with him as he followed Y/N to the clearing, their fingers touched briefly as they walked beside each other before Y/N told a brave move to grab his hand. It didn't bother Lando in the slightest, something about holding Y/N's hand felt familiar to him and he quite liked it. There was a quiet muffle of chatter as they walked to the clearing, a mixture of feelings present on everyone's faces; some excited to be getting out of camp for a bit, but more so apprehensive about what was about to happen.

"Celebrities, tonight you will be given the chance to win care packages from your family." Some eyes went wide in happiness and eagerness, Y/N began to fidget with her fingers as she bit her lip. She was worried; what if they didn't succeed in the challenge? Noticing this, Lando grabbed her hands and pried them apart to hold onto one, distracting her from her thoughts as she focused on their intertwined hands. "In order to win the care packages, two celebrities must correctly match the celebrity to the correct quote without the help of their fellow campmates." Lando was happy enough to simply watch this trial as it happened as so Y/N and Hollie volunteered.

"Right, 'I'm doing a course in plastering', oh that one's easy. It's Bev." Hollie said matching the quote to the picture of Beverley Callard. "'I used to hate dancing.'" A look of confusion appeared on Hollie's face as she tried to think about who said it, but Y/N quickly beat her to it, "That's me." Hollie let out a gasp, "Really?"

"Yeah, from like 14-16 I hated it because it took up so much time, but I love it now. So glad mum didn't let me quit." Y/N laughed as she matched hers up and grabbed another one, "'My wedding has been viewed over 21 million times on youtube' ... that's Giovanna. I'm one of those viewers. Tom's speech – oh my god, I cried." Y/N admitted causing the other celebrities to laugh.

Hollie picked up the next quote, "'My hero is Valentino Rossi', who is Valentino Rossi?"

"That's Lando." A smile appeared on Lando's face at the fact that Y/N knew that that quote was about him, "He's a MotoGP rider and his idol." It was quick work to match up the rest of the celebrities and thankfully they got everyone right, Y/N wasn't sure what she'd do if she was the reason that someone didn't get their care package; she'd feel awful. Everyone was happy and full of life, the idea that care packages would be waiting for them when they arrived back at camp seemed to bring them all alive. They sat around the campfire taking it in turn to open the package and read out the letter, and finally it was Y/N's turn.

"'Hi honey, watching you every night makes me so proud of you and how far you've come...'" Y/N continued to read as tears built up in her eyes, the emotions dialled high while reading the sweet words from her mother. As if knowing she needed a bit of support, lando wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her closer to him to give her a hug and once she had finished reading, he used the pads of his thumbs of wipe the tears off her face.

"Here you go Lando." Vernon said handing Lando a letter with a small package. Lando wasted no time in ripping the envelope open. He gave a quick scan of the letter to see who it was from, turns out it was from a lot of people – his team at McLaren had wrote a bit and his family had wrote a bit.

"'Lando, I've been watching you on TV, we don't have shows like this in Spain so I have to watch it on my phone', Oh Carlos, 'You're still a muppet'. Miss him." Lando himself got a bit teary as he read through his letter, he didn't expect to as he was use to not seeing his family all the time, but being on the show must've brought out the emotions in him. "Ah, this is from Jon," Seeing his fellow campmates confused faces he expanded, "He's my personal trainer – a performance coach if you will." He stopped for a laugh, "'I hope you're keeping up with your training, but for your benefit I've provided you with a nice workout for tomorrow' ... oh Jon, you're too kind, but I think I'll ignore that for now-"

"No, I want to hear what you have to do. I'll be making sure you do it."

"Alright, '10km on the bike', we'll have plenty of water tomorrow guys," Lando joked generating a laugh out his fellow celebrities as they listened to his curated workout, "'10 squats with log weight x3 reps' Jon this is awful, 'I'll see you at the MTC in 2 weeks'." Lando shook his head in horror as he realised that Jon would be able to see if he actually did the workout and as if knowing what he was thinking, Y/N sympathetically rubbed his back before handing him his present which Lando wasted no time in opening only to erupt into laughter and shrieks of joy.

"It's salad cream. This is the best thing ever!"

 This is the best thing ever!"

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