Chapter 15- Exchange Week

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"oh no, I'm running late again", I told myself. It was my third day on kings beach and I only had 2 more days left up here.

I swung my backpack on and ran down the quiet street. 6 am and I didn't want to be late again. I made my way to the club house but the gates were closed.

I looked at my watch again 6:05 it read. "I don't get it, where is everyone", I wondered. 

Then it hit me. Kings beach lifeguards didn't start until 8 am to 6 am. I was so use to Bondi starting times I hadn't realized.

I walked around to the front and dumbed my bag against the mesh. With 2 hours to spare and nothing else to do I decided that I should go for a soft sand run even though kings beach was much smaller compared to Bondi didn't mean I should let my fitness slip.

I slipped my thongs off and started my run.

2 hours later 


I made my way back towards the club house. There was still no one visible from where I was. As I came to where my backpack was I could see that Ollie had just arrived.

I grabbed my backpack and put it on my back. I slowly made my way around to e front where I could see Ollie parking his car.

My bag fell to the floor as I lent against the high fence. Waiting for Ollie as he got his backpack and surf board out of his car.

"Hey Ollie", I called

"oh hey, what are you doing here so early?", he asked.

"Arh well I kinda got the starting times mixed up with Bondi's", I replied.

"wow you guys must start early, is my dad here yet?", ollie asked.

"No not yet", I answered.

"well that's lucky I have a key, let's get started", he exclaimed.

Ollie grabbed a key out of his pocket and opened the small padlock. I pushed the. Gate open and we walked in.

Ollie opened to roller doors and main tower.We both walked into the tower and placed our backpacks down.

"We better start setting up, the public will be here soon", Ollie stated.

He jumped onto the quad bike and drove the trailer out of the shed. I jumped on the back and we made our way to the shore.

The public were already making there way down and we need to get the flags up.

I grabbed one of the shovels put of the trailer and started to dig a hole. After a while I had finished both holes and Ollie had just finished putting the flags in.

We unloaded the rescue boards across the beach and made our way back up to the club house.

I jumped off the back as Ollie reversed the trailer. As we walked in to the main tower we were shocked to see everyone in there already.

"Ollie what have you been doing?", his dad asked.

"Dad, me and Taylor have been setting up the beach cause there was no one else here when we arrived", Ollie explained.

"You shouldn't have taken so long now you have missed out on your orders for today", ollies dad yelled.

Everyone left for there post.

A short new Zealander man walked passed me. He mumbled "your with me".

I looked over to see Ollie still being yelled at but there was nothing I could do. I turned around and followed the man out of the compound and to tower 1.

We took our seats on the tower and I had a feeling the man beside me did not want o be here.

The people here were no where as nice as the boys back at Bondi, excluding a few.

After a few hours of patrolling there was no action yet again except for a young girl at the end of the shift.

"WAAA", I heard from my left.

I turned around to see a young girls crying, About 3 years old. After calming her down she showed my a tiny cut on her finger.

I pulled out the first aid kit and applied a band aid.

As I turned back around after placing the first aid kit back away I spotted the girl sprinting back to her family.

Our shift was over and I made my way back to the club house. As I was grabbing my lunch from my backpack I spotted a familiar face out the back.

With a frown on his face I saw Ollie hand washing the sunshine coast lifeguard car.

"you ok", I asked

Ollie turned around and cam towards me. He dropped the sponge and threw his arms around me. Tears ran down his face.

I patted him on the back and he exclaimed how his dad had ripped at him.

I picked up a sponge and helped him clean the car. After we had finished I was due back on duty.

I spent the next few hours in the main tower until my shift was over. Nothing once again had happened and I could finally make my way back to the unit.

I spent the next day doing the same things tower 1 and tower 2 all day with nothing to report I was finally going to be going back to Bondi at last.

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