Chapter 46: Save of The Day

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Finally I was back doing the job of my dreams with no worries left on my mind. In fact now I had the added courage of the possibility of obtaining a full time position here. Sure I would need to maintain my work and try not to mess up as much as possible, but hopefully, hopefully I would be able to do this.

As I made my way back into the tower, I was instructed that for the first part of my shift I would be patrolling the North corner with Reidy. As we travelled across the soft sands, in the safety of the rhino, soon enough we were positioned in the north, facing the large stretch of ocean that lay in front of our eyes.

There would be many rescues today, from those sucked out by rips, simply out too far, and even those who simply can't swim. The beach was packed from the back wall to the shores and all the way out into the deeps of the sea. From back packers to tourist, locals to the elderly and toddlers held by their parents, eagerly awaiting to get them in the surf. 

It could be anyone, from anywhere, across the globe or around the street, no matter who or what, there was sure to be a rescue anytime soon with an unknown outcome. 

For hours after hours, Reidy and I continuously pulled struggling swimmers from their own unique close brushes with death, in order to save yet another life from leaving too early. 

Almost as in within a blink of an early waves of blackening clouds rolled across the skies of Bondi. Thousands of tourist as well as locals, swiftly exited the water and ran for safety, anticipating the oncoming thunder storm.

Although the majority had left to retreat back to the safety of their homes, many photo seekers lined the fence line of Bondi in search of the perfect Instagram photograph to upload later on. Amongst them, multiple lifeguards, too seeking to document the situation. 

Momentarily distracted, suddenly multiple squeals and screams could be heard from further down the beach. I could see a number of small children around the ages of 5 or 6, had been swept out in a rip.

They weren't between the flags and we were the closes patrol to the area. I pointed Reidy in the direction of the children, and we quickly turned the rhino around to face their direction. I quickly removed my lifeguard shirt. 

Preparing to grab the board as soon as we came to a stop. Both Reidy and I grabbed for our board and jumped from the rhino. With a splash we found ourself quickly sprinting into the ocean. Time was running out for the young victims as two of the four appeared to be going under numerous times.

As we made our way out, I quickly scooped up one of the young victims, whilst Reidy had already gathered two and began to paddle in. It appeared one of his may be unconscious. 

But I too  now had a problem. I couldn't see the four child. Had someone already gotten to her? There was practically no one else out in the deeps of the ocean. Everyone had left the water. Where could she be? 

My eyes scanned the water, as my heart pounded against my chest. Had she gone under? Reidy's board suddenly appeared beside that of my own, and I assisted in transferring her over to his board. "There was another girl, probably 4. I saw her Reidy", I stated.

"I only saw three Taylor, unless she had already gone under", Reidy replied as he turned back to face the beach.

I defiantly saw four, I told myself. Moments later I see a small dark figure, maybe a metre below the surface. The shadow appears to be the shape of a small girl. I shouldn't leave my board but in this situation it could mean life or death. 

I leave the safety of my board and dive under the water. My hands grab at the shadow and pull her to the surface. She isn't conscious and I don't know if she is breathing. 

My board is only a metre away, and soon enough I am able to dragged her onto it. I check for a pulse, I can't feel anything but it could be shallow. She doesn't appear to be breathing. I start compressions, hoping sooner is better than later. After two rounds of 30 compressions, I can feel a slight pulse. 

I quickly turn my board to face the beach and as fast as I can, paddle, hoping not to lose her. As my board reaches the shallows, I scoop the girl into my arms and run for the sand where Reidy with a number of the other lifeguards stand, ready to continue CPR. 

As I lay her small body on the sand she begins to regain consciousness and starts to cough up the salt water she has swallowed. As the boys take control of the situation, my body hits the sand with exhaustion. 

Soon enough the young girl along with her siblings and parents are taken to the safety of multiple ambulances off the beach. I return to the shore to retrieve my board and secure in back onto the rhino. As I begin the pack up the rhino Reidy appears beside me once again.

"Nice save out their. If you hadn't seen her and stayed out there, she would still be at the bottom of the ocean.", Reidy spoke "That has to be the save of the day in my opinion", he continued.

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