Chapter 21- New Years Eve Party

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 The biggest dance party in Australia had just started in Bondi. I had never actually been to any kind of New years celebration before, let alone a massive dance party.

Since I was still kinda underage I had my fellow lifeguard chaperones. All the boys were down here and the night was still young.

I wasn't much of a party kind of person and I didn't drink alcohol like most of the other boys but this looked like it was gonna be a pretty fun night.

Maxi, whippet, and ker box were smashing down tinny after tinny and boy were they gonna be regretting that by tomorrow.

The music was pumping and was there a massive crowd or what. Estimating aproximately a mininmum of a few thousand were down here, mostly back packers and tourist.

After a few of the boys finished their beers we hit the dance floor. Tom, Reidy, Matt and myself started rocking out to a few of the tunes and I could soon tell which of the boys were more or less sober than one another.

When you start to see Ker box and harries rocking out to Bon Jovi while doing some "air guitar" moves you know they have had a little too much.

After a little bit of awkward dancing I come back to where all the other lifeguards were parting, surprised that some were still going strong at the alcohol.

It was almost 10pm and the party was still going on, I could tell this was gonna be a long night and the best part was we would have to be back here again early for work tommroow morning.

I decided to step away from the booming music for a while and a few of the less intoxicated boys joined me. "Help, Help", I heard in the distance.

"Oh no", I thought to myself. It had seemed the cries were coming from towards the water. Even though there were barriers along the promenade, people could still access some of the beach.

"There's someone out there", I turned around to Tom and Azza. "The towers all locked up, I'll go get keys off Hoppo" , Tom yelled.

"It'll be too late", I answered. I started sprinting down to the waters edge I ripped of my top and I still had my bikini and boardies on. The man was still crying for help.

Waving a glow stick above his head I finally located him after a mad scrambled of trying to figure out where he was. "Taylor its too dangerous to go in by yourself in the dark", I heard Azza call.

But I was already in there. Stroke after stroke I pulled my arm quick and fast through the water trying to get out to him.

It was a miracle he hadn't gone under by now. Getting pumped, wave after wave I finally got to him just as he was about to go under.

I pulled him to the surface by his arm. Not a very large man I manage to pull him half way into the shore before I saw Azza pull up to me. "Here help pull him up", Azza yelled.

I pushed the young man up onto the board as I got a wiff of his beer breath. Not knowing how critical his condition was Azza turned around quick and paddle in fast.

A massive set came up behind me and I got hammed. Circling around and around in the wave I finally got back to what I thought was the surface but turned out to be the bottom.

As I felt around I felt sand and crushed shells as I realised it was the bottom I quickly manage to swim up.

I finally made it to a sand bank when Azza reached me. I was fine but a little shaken up. I grabbed onto the board and held it as we slowly walked back to the shore.

I soon realise the man that I had saved was being check over by tom, Jessie and Araon still. I slowly ran over to where they were and didn't seem much wrong with the man except for his stupidity of swimming while drunk.

After realising he was ok I noticed all the other lifeguards that had been at the party where down here. I took a seat on the sand when Deano and Hoppo came over to me.

"Are you ok, did you shollow any water", Deano asked. "Nar just got a bit of a tumble around out there", I replied. "Well good job he was probably a goner if it wasn't for you", Hoppo responded.

With a grin on my face I knew I had done something good and boy did it feel good too. I jumped up and walked over to the rescue board. "Mays well put this away", I thought to myself.

I picked up my shirt in my left hand and grabbed the rescue board handle in the other. Slowly making my way back to the tower I lifted the board on the trailer and closed the garage door.

There was only an hour left till new year and we all headed back up to the party ready for the count down.


It was finally that time of the night 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1, HAPPY NEW YEAR.

It was the beginning of a new year and it was amazing to share this time with the boys. Not long after I quickly made an escape out of the party with Corey for a quick rest before duty in a couple of hours.

This year had been the best in my life and the new year could only bring better, and being on Bondi I was never going to know what was going to happen next.


Hey guys thanks for reading. Please vote and comment and hope you are enjoying the book as much as it is fun to write.

Chapters aren't going to be posted as frequent due to my busy school schedule but there are still going to be plenty and I have much more in mind.

Thank you

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