Chapter 2- First day on Bondi

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"Beep, Beep, Beep", Rang the alarm clock beside my bed. 

3 am in the morning and it was already time to wake up but today would be totally worth it. I quickly took a shower, put my clothes on and ran down stairs with my bags. 

Mum had already put some breakfast on the table and in no time we were on the way to the airport. 

My plane was leaving at 4 am so I would arrive at 5:30am and be at Bondi by 6 to begin a full day of training. 

I said my goodbyes and walked through the security scanners with my couple of bags awaiting the beginning of my new dream job. 

I took my seat on the plane by the window, placed my head phones on and within an hour and a half I had arrived in Sydney. 

It was the third time I had been to Sydney and the 3rd time I had sat on a plane. 

As I walked off the plane and grabbed my one suitcase along with my hang luggage off the caracell 

I entered the door to Sydney when I heard someone shout my name. 

"Taylor, are you Taylor", a group of men kept asking every girl that walked past in front of me. 

Finally there was a break in the traffic and I found my way over to them. 

I realized that it was Deano, maxi and Troy. 

"I'm Taylor" I said in my shy but confident voice. 

"Well that means your our new trainee, quick let's not waste time, We"ll drop your stuff off at maxi"s and Corey's place at the surf club and then we will get down to the beach", Deano explained. 

Well it was a short drive to maxi's place, we were there in about less then half and hour. 

I carried my bags up to one of the room's and quickly got dressed into my boardies. 

I ran back down stairs and maxi, Troy and Deano seemed so shock that it only took my less then two minutes to be back. 

"Well, Bondi is just around the corner from here and there's no need to drive unless we have too", said Maxi 

"let's go", I said not giving a care in the world. 

We quickly got to Bondi with in a couple of minutes. As we walked to the Bondi lifeguard tower I saw a couple of boys setting up the flags 'guiggers' and Matt D to be exact. 

"Come on", said Deano. Not even realizing I had stopped in the first place to watch the amazing sunrise. 

I quickly caught up and we entered the tower. 

"Ar this must be the new trainee, nice to meet you", said two older looking men defiantly looking like professions. 

They happened to be 'h man' and Kerr 'box'. 

'Well time to meet the boss", Deano said and walked me over to the pavilion. 

Deano knocked on the door and a man by the name of 'Hoppo' opened the door. 

"Come in, nice to meet you Taylor", he said in a serious voice. No wonder he's the boss I thought to myself. 

"Ok so your going to be on a trainee program for this summer and Deano will be here to teach you and help and also for the next two weeks you will be learning the basics and learning how to patrol", Hoppo exclaimed. 

"Well Deano will take you to go get your uniform and then you can start", he said in a slightly happier voice. 

"Thank you" , I said and walked out the door again with Deano leading. 

Deano took me to the locker room and handed me my uniform, he reminded me to write my name on everything as some people around here will just where who Evers. 

We quickly got back down to the beach where Deano wanted to test my fitness level. 

We were to run from one side of the beach to the other twice. 

I started running at a steady pace focusing on my breathing so I wouldn't get tired quickly. Deano also ran beside me to encourage me to do my best. 

After the run that only took a few minutes we grabbed the very heavy rescue boards and dragged them to the waters edge. 

I was so nervous because I had never used a surf board let alone a rescue board. 

Deano showed me that i had to paddle from the back of the board and to stay in the middle to balance the board. 

We dragged the boards into the water and I jumped on. 

The tide was low and the swell was flat just my luck perfect learning conditions for someone that had never used a board before. 

I quickly picked up on how to use the board. Deano made us paddle about 100 metres out and back twice. 

after that it was time just to do some regular fitness. We completed 3 sets of push ups, prone hold, sit ups and squats. 

It was so much fun being able to just do sport and training on a nice sunny day outside. 

After a few hours we were finished and I was told I could go back to the surf club but I knew I would never learn from being stuck in a surf club on such a perfect day. 

I made my way back up to the tower were beardy was on patrol. I picked up a pair of binoculars and scanned the water trying to look like the professional. 

The phone rang and beardy answered it. 

I started scanning the water near the ice bergs when suddenly I saw a man floating face down drifting near the rocks.i also saw that there were no patrols down there. 

"beardy" I said. "Look just off the ice bergs. 

"shit there going under", he said. I could see all the other boys were down the other end of the beach and at the bowl attending and skate board injury. 

I sprung out of my chair and sprinted towards the bergs. A rescue board layed just by the shore. I grabbed the board and sprinted into the water. 

I paddled as quick as I could and reached the man there was no time to waste. I pulled him up onto the board he didn't way much but I need to get him back to shore quick.  

I grabbed him off the board and Deano and Troy pulled up on the buggie. I quickly rolled him into the recovery persision and Deano and Troy took over feeling for a pulse. 

Luckily the man had a pulse and had only taken in water and was coughing it up, but I knew he wasn't out of trouble.  

I heard beardy on the radio calling for an ambulance. 

I quickly got back to Deano where the man had finally stop vomiting. 

I grabbed the oxygen and headed it to them where they quickly pulled it over his face.  

Within a few minutes the ammo had arrived and taken the man. Troy and Deano packed up the oxygen and I went to get the rescue board that I had left at the shallow of the water. 

As I dragged it back up Deano and troy congratulated me but I didn't think much of it cause i was only doing my job. But inside I was so happy to of saved someone. 

Deano told me to hop on and we drove back to the tower. 

Hoppo and beardy were waiting in the tower. As we walked through the door Hoppo and beardy both congratulated me and said that I could just make a good lifeguard after all. 

The time had reached 7 and there was still about 200 people on the beach but it was time to start taking down the flags as the boys started pulling the flags down I made my way to the pavilion to get dressed and then headed to the surf club. 

I knew staying at the surf club meant that there was responsibilities that came with it but I was up for anything. 

My first day on Bondi was over.

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