Chapter 3- Early Bird gets the Worm

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I woke extra early and headed straight for the safety of the pavilion, where I let myself in with a key Deano had given me the day before.  

With my belongs in hand and ready for a full day of work a head, I quickly made a bee line for the beach. Bondi beach for that matter of fact. 

3 am flashed across my watch as I suddenly realised just how early it actually was, and I was already on the beach. This probably wasn't going to happen everyday, but my excited had the better of me in the moment. 

There was no way I could sleep there was too much to do, too much to learn and I had to let out some of the energy that I had bundled up inside of me. 

So with I ran from one side of the beach to the other, 3 times to be exact, under the pitch black cover of that of the beautiful Sydney horizon.  

And although I still had an abundence of energy left, you would not find me in the ocean, not at this time, in the dark. Perhaps only a fool would think of something like that, but then I remembered I was training at 3am in the morning, and just maybe someone might think that was a little strange too.  

I began to worked on some core strength exercises. That seemed to pass the time a little, but there was only so much that one could think of.   

My watch finally clicked to 4:30am and still my eyes could hardly identify a single person on the beach excluding myself.

It was too bad I didn't have a key to the tower, otherwise the beach may have already been set up, whether anyone would appreciate that or not.  

Well I still had at least half an hour to waste, so I headed up to the pavilion and found some food in a fridge. "Well I hope no body will mind if I take this banana", I said aloud, with still no other souls to be seen.   

I quickly finished the banana and crossed the road once again, heading for the tower door to patiently wait for the others to arrive.  

No more then 10 minutes later Hoppo arrived, followed by Terry, preparing to set the flags up for the day. 

Not noticing my keen presence Hoppo walks around the front of the tower and surprising gets a shock to see me standing by the roller door.  

"How long have you been here", He asks. "Oh you know just had so much energy that I couldn't sleep, probably got here at around 3", I replied. I think Terry's and hoppo's jaws almost hit the ground in unison. 

"What have u been doing for so long?", Terry asks. "Just training", I reply, ready to get on with the day. "Well we need to go set these flags up, would you like to come help?", Hoppo continues. 

"Sure", I follow. 

Terry stays in the tower, opening the rollers on the window as the boss and I head towards the water to set up for the day.  

I begin to dig two holes around 50 meters apart, sprictly directed by under the guidance of Hoppo, before he quickly places the flags in to the the sand. 

I Grabbed the boards and placed one on each side, as I had seen the day prior. 

We continued to put up the signs and place boards as more lifeguards started to arrive on the beach. 

The sun was just rising as I pulled out my iPhone5 and snapped a shot before uploading to Facebook.

I Quickly put my phone away and closely follow Hoppo back to the tower.  

Next in the line of the morning routine, the defibrillator and oxygen packs needed checking. Riedy showed me how to check that they were working, another thing to add to my learnt list of knowledge gained in the short mount of time I had been here.  

It was only 6am and not many people were about yet, but as soon as the holidays started there were going to be plenty more people on the beach. 

The boys had told me they could get around 35,000 on an average day during summer, and only 8 lifeguards on patrol during those days.  

I was defiantly going to need to up my game and learn a lot before then.  

I sat down at the window and waited for Deano to arrive to finally start our training session. 

I only had 1 more week left, before I was going to be going back to school for 3 days.  

As I waited for Deano, Hoppo walked over to me and handed me another key "Here I think you'll be needing it, if your getting here so early", Hoppo said. 

"Thanks" I replied

Summer Paradise: A Bondi Rescue FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now