Chapter 44: Home sweet Home

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2 weeks, 2 weeks I would have back here. 2 weeks doing what I loved. The plane touched down as I grabbed my backpack from under the seat in front. Luckily it wasn't a long flight and I was definitely use to it by now.

Although that couldn't be said for the young child beside me. The whole flight I don't think she spoke a word let alone stopped shaking.

As everyone exited the plane each thanking the pilot as always, before walking through the gates. Not many people lined the inside of the airport as usual, making it easier for a quick getaway.

Bags in arms, it was in no time before I was back twisting the key in the front door and entering what I knew as home sweet home. It looked the same as I had left it, just the way I liked it of course.

It didn't take long before I was once again, standing at the big blue door. The entrance to the lifeguard tower. I didn't have a shift today, but that wasn't going to stop me from dropping in to see the boys. Strangers not too long ago, these people were now my friends, my mates, not just the people I worked with. 

It was good to catch up with the boys and find out how things had been in my absence. These holidays were going to be jammed packed with long days of rescues, but I was ready for whatever was to be thrown my way. 

Except there was still the matter of if my traineeship was going to be cancelled. I had avoided Hoppo long enough, and surely by now he would have let me go already. I mean, I was fine now. What was the point in getting rid of me whilst i'm perfectly healthy. And I had already proven I was still up to the task last time I was on shift.

This was the best opportunity I had ever received and I wasn't going to let it slip out of my hands that easily. I didn't stuff up that often, I mean not bad enough to get thrown out of the place, right?

I still didn't know if the other boys had heard of Hoppo's plan all that time ago, surely they didn't want me gone too. I was going to sort this potential mess out. I was going to finally stop avoiding Hoppo and face him like an adult. 

I had grown so much over this traineeship and I needed to stop acting so childish when problems occurred. It was time to face my fears. Today would be to day I set it straight with Hoppo.

I told myself this, but on the inside I was so scared.

As I stood outside the office door, I finally built the courage to knock, before twisting the handle. I sign of relief crossed my face as I saw Deano, sitting in the large office chair. 

"I was just looking for the boss, sorry I'll come back later", I was completely relieved today was not the day.

"Oh, Taylor, I didn't expect to see you here. Did Hoppo get ahold of your the other week?", Deano seemed surprised to see me. This couldn't be good. "Ah no, I hadn't heard from him, is something wrong? Where is Hoppo?", I questioned, attempting not to show any fear.

"Oh don't worry, he'll be back tomorrow, I think he might need to talk to you though", Deano replied. 

This wasn't reassuring information but at least I had one more night to build up the confidence to prove my position here.

"Thanks Deano", I called as I quickly exited the building.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, less then 24 hours. Everything was going to be okay. At least I told myself that as I made my way back home. 

Authors Note:

An Update! What?? HAHAH, I know its been so long but I thought you guys might appreciate an update, even if it is like years late. Not making any exact promises, but hopefully I should be able to update more often if you guys would like. If you guys enjoy the story let me know, and Happy holidays to you all. 

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